The Hogwarts Express

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I roll out of bed just as the sun is coming up. I walk over to Marcus's room and knock. "Marcus, get up, you don't want to be late to the platform" I hear him groan from inside and feet shuffle across the floor. I walk back into my room and grab my trunk and Misty. "Silver! Marcus! Come on down, we can't be late" I walk downstairs and grab an apple. "Morning mum" she smiles at me "good morning Silver, are you ready for your first day at Hogwarts?" I nod "I'm excited! But a little bit nervous cause I won't have any friends there..." She pats my back "you'll make friends, I know you will" I smile and take my trunk out to the car.
When we arrive at the station I look around, I don't see platform 9 3/4 anywhere. "Mum, where's the platform?" "It's right through here dear" I follow mum through a wall and onto a hidden platform. "Woah! This place is amazing" I look around in wonder. "Come on Silver we'll be late!" Marcus drags me onto the train then he enters a compartment with some of his friends. I look around for an empty compartment and find one, I sit down by the window and pull Misty out and start petting her. A boy with platinum blonde hair and grey eyes walks in with 2 large boys behind him. "Get out you filthy little mudblood!" He spits "actually I'm a pureblood, and I'm allowed to sit here, Malfoy" he glares at me and sits down. The trolley lady comes by "anything from the trolley dears?" I hold out a few galleons "a chocolate frog, pumpkin pasty, peppermint toad, and Bertie botts please" she hands me the sweets and leaves. I bite into a chocolate frog and look at the card, I got Madam Rosemerta. Draco and his goons start talking about what house they want. I pet Misty and pull out my potions book.
After a few hours of flipping through the potions book I change into my robes and go back to my seat to find a girl with short brown hair sitting by Draco. "Who are you?" I ask her "the names Pansy Parkinson, and you are?" "Silver, Silver Flint" she nods and goes back to talking to Draco. When the train pulls up to the school I get off and look around. "FIRS' YERS O'ER HERE!" A tall man with a long beard yells. A boy with glasses walks up to him "hello Hagrid!" "Hello Harry!" We get on some boats and the boats float to the castle. We walk inside, while we are waiting I hear Draco start talking to a red headed boy. "Red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasly!" "Oh lay off Malfoy! It's only the first day" he glares at me and professor Mcgonnagal enters. "Now in a moment you will enter and be sorted into your houses" "TREVOR!" A boy yells and runs up to a toad picking him up. Professor looks at the boy then leads us inside. I wait in line until I hear "SILVER FLINT!" I take a deep breath and walk up.
________________________DUN DUN DUN! CLIFFHANGER XD Sorry it took so long xD and I'm sorry it's short

Silver FlintTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang