The Slytherin Common room

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So sorry for not updating in so long! I'll try to have updates out more often, hopefully every Saturday now!
I sit down on the chair and Professor McGonagall sets the sorting hat on my head. "Hm, interesting, very interesting, you would do well in Ravenclaw yes, but I think you'll find this house to suit you better, SLYTHERIN!" I grin and walk off to join the other Slytherins at the table. I pile some mashed potatoes and chicken wings onto my plate watching the others get sorted into their houses.

After Everyone has eaten and been sorted into their houses the prefects stand up and lead everyone to their houses. A girl at the Slytherin table stands "Alright everyone follow me! First years stay close" she leads us down the hall and down the stairs to a painting. "HouseElf!" The painting moves aside and we all walk in. "Woa..." The girl next to me giggles "Woa is right, this place is huge! I'm Elizabeth" I smile and shake her extended hand "Silver, Silver Flint" she smiles "are you by any chance in the room to the left?" I nod "I was told my stuff was put there" "me too! Want to go check out the room?!" "You bet I do!" We race up the stairs to the girls dormitories and run into the room on the left. I look around and see my stuff on the bed in the corner, Elizabeths bed is on the other side of the room. "What classes do you have?" Elizabeth asks while looking at her schedule. "I dunno" I pull my schedule out of my bag. "Well I've got Herbology first hour, Charms second, Potions 3rd, free period, Care of magical creatures 4th, and then quidditch if I make it on the team" she grins "cool! We've got Charms and Care of magical creatures together" I smile. "Let's just hope we haven't got any classes with Malfoy" she nods and giggles "let us hope."
Sorry I realize it was a crappy and short chapter but it was the best I could do with the time I had! Will definitely update again soon!

Silver FlintNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ