Herbology, Potions, and Malfoy

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I woke up bright and early the next morning to the sound of birds chirping feeling deeply refreshed from the day before, well...that's how I wish it happened. My day started like this
     "PANSY HAVE YOU SEEN MY TIE?!" Millicent yelled in the room next door. I groaned and rolled over in bed "hasn't anyone heard of inside voices?" "Apparently not" Elizabeth replies, I groan and roll out of bed. "Hope we haven't missed breakfast" Elizabeth nods, I quickly get dressed and run upstairs to the great hall.
I sit down at the Slytherin table next to Blaise, Elizabeth plops down next to me and piles her plate with pancakes. I take a few pancakes and sausages and eat quietly. "So...." Blaise interrupts the silence "you trying out for the quidditch team?" I nod "I'm hoping to be keeper" he nods "I'm hoping for Chaser" "well good luck" I giggle and eat a bite of pancake.
As we're finishing breakfast the "king" of Slytherin struts into the Great hall, his two goons on either side of him. "Make a run for it?" Elizabeth suggests, I nod shoving an apple in my bag and darting out of the hall. "Lets both hope we don't have any classes with him...." "with who?" Harry asks, walking down the stairs. "Malfoy" I groan "ah, all I know is I've got Herbology and Potions with him" "Harry what hour do you have Herbology?..." "first hour, why do you ask?" I sigh "that's when I have Herbology...what about potions?" "3rd" he replies, biting into a scone. At this point I am internally screaming, 2 classes with Malfoy so far that I know of? This was going to be one miserable year.
      As I reach Herbology I stand in the doorway not wanting to enter the room, another student shoves me in. When I walk in I see Professor Sprout directing students to chairs. "Ah Miss Flint! There you are! You'll be sitting next to Mr Malfoy." Of course, just my luck I was seated next to Malfoy of all people. I begrudgingly walk over and sit down by him.
     As soon as class ends I dart outside as fast as possible, who knew one person could be so annoying! He thought he was like the king of Hogwarts or something, he acted like he was above everyone, I walk inside the school and head to lunch. "Hey Silver! How was Herbology?" Elizabeth asks, biting into her sandwich. "It was Hell! Malfoy was so annoying!" She giggles "aww poor you" she replies sarcastically. "Will you shut up?" I whack her with a book "hey!" She pouts "That wasn't very nice" I giggle "oh I'm soooo sorry" she growls and finishes her sandwich. "I'll see ya later Silver, have fun in Charms"
      After charms I head to potions and sit in my seat behind Draco. I doodle on my paper while waiting for Professor Snape, he strolls into the room, closing every window with his wand. "Now then, I am Professor Snape, your potions teacher, today we will be doing some simple get to know you projects, you have all been assigned a partner and you must get to know them over the next week and then write a paper about them, onto the partners." He pulls a piece of parchment out of his robes "Mr Weasley you will be with Miss Longbottom" Neville interrupts "i-it's Mr Longbottom Sir" "whatever Miss Longbottom, Mr Zabini you will be with Miss Lovegood, Mr Malfoy you will be with Miss Flint." You have got to be kidding me.....
Hope that was a little better of a chapter, next one should be out on Sunday!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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