Chapter 16

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I can't believe I kissed back. We were still kissing too. I quickly pulled away and I can tell my eyes were wide. "I'm gonna go," I said.

"Yeah, uh sorry Stephanie..." Thomas said. I didn't even reply. I just got to my car and drove to my apartment. I'm so screwed. I didn't even mean for that to happen.... I just... I don't know. We kissed. Thomas and I kissed. That's all there is to it. I just have no idea how he'll react. But wait... We're not talking to each other as of right now. Maybe he'll understand. But I highly doubt it. When it comes to boys and me, he's a lunatic. He just gets crazy jealous... I'm actually kinda glad that we're in a fight so that will buy me some time. What do I even say?

'Hey Dyl! Yeah as I was studying I totally made out with Thomas again! Cool right?'

Ugh. I cheated on Dyl. He did cheat on me before... And his was way more than a kiss... Ew. All these bad thoughts kept running through my head. The Panic! At The Disco concert is next week and I'm going with him. So here I am, pacing around my apartment thinking about all of these scenarios with Dyl. How he'll go to Courtney or yell at me or even break up with me. Thomas is just ruining my relationship with Dylan. Should I just tell him I don't wanna be friends? Ugh! Everything is just so irritating! My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I walked over and answered it revealing Dyl.

"I'm so sorry. I'm a dick I know. I'm an asshole and an idiot and a jerk. Please Steph, forgi-"

"Dyl, Thomas and I kissed," I blurted out really fast. He stood there, shocked. "You probably won't forgive me. So if you're just gonna break up with me do it. Let me know that you don't care because I'm probably one of the most shittiest girlfriends there is. So if you're gonna walk out on me jus-" he cut me off by kissing me. Our lips moved in sync. "What was that for?"

"Steph, I don't care. I hooked up with some slut. What you did is nothing." Dyl told me.

"But I kissed back," I said.

"So? It doesn't matter. Listen, the concert is next week and I sure as hell want you to go with me. I'm sorry," he said.

"Me too," I said laughing as I kissed him. He immediately kissed back and put his hands on my waist. My arms went around his neck and I pulled away from him.

"What?" He asked.

"I just feel really bad for kissing Thomas," I told him.

"Don't," he reassured me. Our lips reconnected and I smiled through the kiss and so did he. We pulled apart, both of us out of breath and he guided me to the couch in my living room. We sat on the couch and I leaned my head on his shoulder as his arm went around me. We watched Breaking Bad and let me tell you, I'm addicted to this show. It's sooo good. Like really, you should watch it. The first season is super boring but once you get past that it's really addicting. After about an hour, I started to get hungry, so I ordered a pizza. We sat on the couch and ate. We talked about anything. I like how this didn't make us drift apart... It actually brought us closer together. It was time for Dyl to leave so he can study then go to bed. He pecked my lips then left. I got in my pajamas, got into my bed as I drifted off to sleep.
Hi! So they made up... Dyl wasn't mad... But what about Thomas? 🙊🙊 hmmm you'll havta wait and see 😊😇 oh and I'm starting school so I may or may not be able to update as often... Hope you guys will understand! Ty!!

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