Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


The name was dimming further and further away, blurring from her mind.

Her body wracked as she inhaled a single breath from her hollow, broken ribcage. Her collarbone was thumping, though the intense pain was drowned out from the exhaustion. It was too much of a struggle to breathe in the poisoned air. She knew not of the date, though she was aware that she had aged do to Fredrik's newly found attraction to her profound curves.

The air was warm and stuffy, though this did nothing for her skeletal frame could not hold the warmth. She could not make her arms meet, for they were chained to the cement walls behind her. She struggled to keep down what had been left of her week's worth of lunch, which contained a stale piece of cheese and a mealy glass of sour milk, which had soon begun to poison her blood.

This is the day the pain began.

Her mind would not allow her to fall into a deep sleep or perhaps better yet, death. Instead, it kept her awake through the darkness as her gaze narrowed deeper into the dark abyss. Her head hung loosely against her pained spine, which pulsed with a profound pain.

She sat for a few moments, the walls beginning to seep towards her closer and closer, threatening to crush her within their dark walls. However, her peaceful bliss found a way to a forceful end as she heard stale voices echo within her mind, causing her head to spin with nausea. Her mind twisted in confusion as she peered into the darkness, panic beginning to fulfill her as she examined the emptied corners. She began to pass it off as hallucinations as this was not the first time she had received them: once even seeing her mother in a corner of her cell. However, chills erupted her spine, seeming to warn her otherwise, as the rustling behind her eyes began to echo louder and louder, into recognisable words which echoed throughout her brain.

"HYDRA has been very lenient with you, Fredrik." The hard, cold voice of a man seemed to echo within her mind. "According to Agent 1022 you have failed to show any signs of results."

"I just need more time," the once monstrous hard voice that had haunted Greer's mind into insanity now seemed pleading. "It will happen any day now. She is getting stronger."

"Your time is up," the voice had cut off Fredrik's pleading, insane protests. Greer grimaced as she slammed her head into the wall behind her, willing for the voices into her mind to stay at bay, though she could not hold the whimpers that escaped her mouth as blood ran from her skull into her eyes. "It is HYDRA's turn to take over."

As quickly as the voices had forced their way into Greer's mind, there was a sudden click on the door. It took a few moments to process the light in which flooded into the cell. Greer narrowed her eyes against the blue spots which clouded her colored eyes. She could not register the sets of footsteps which suddenly clouded her mind until she felt a yank on her arm, the chains suddenly loosened against her wrists and ankles and she felt her weak, senseless frame being yanked from the cold floor. She yelped as she felt a strong grip against her arm, not giving her enough time to vomit up the rest of her insides. She felt her insides fill with shock, not giving her enough time to fight back against the strong arms that yanked her from her feet.

"You don't know what you're doing, Aaron," Fredrik warned, a small mocking in his voice as Greer felt herself tremble as her feet were swept from under her, the arms beginning to drag her to the opened door, which was the source of light. Panic and adrenaline filled her veins with fire and ice as she struggled to regain her senses, hot tears beginning to fill her eyes as she dug her heels into the ground, though she didn't feel the pain as they bloodied on the ground, the thin, paper-like skin peeling off of her flesh. "You're too weak to contain her."

It took a few moments to process the pain as the light shone on her skin.

It felt like the rush of adrenaline at first. However, Greer it gradually increased to a sharp pain just below her collar bone, which had been rubbed raw with needle points. However, as black spots began to fill her vision, the pain began to build in her stomach, as if a bubble of energy was filling her veins. She had felt intense pain however, as she felt herself go limp in the arms of her capturers, she could not recall her once endurance for it. She felt as though she was watching herself tremble onto the floor as the men, confused, struggled to get her to regain her senses. Her back arched as she felt prickles against her skin spread to her veins, as though she was being stabbed with needles along the insides of her muscles. She pressed her palms on the floor, though, as she tried to push herself up, she felt as though her arms had broken underneath her, not able to support her weight. Her heart beat--gradually slowing in pace--filled her roaring ears as she clenched her fists, her flesh beginning to burn, as though it was peeling from her flesh, only to reveal the wounds to blood.

Even to this day, she could not describe the pain.

All she heard as her vision turned red and her memory went blank with blood was the menacing, maniacal chuckle of Fredrik filling her pulsing ears.

Saving Greer ((Prequel to "Red on my Ledger"))Where stories live. Discover now