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(This was requested by NeonWolf101, and probably going to be requested by many others down the road.)

You walked to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, in awe of the height of the immense building, and sweat rolling down your cheek from the anxiety and anxiousness from the excitement and pressure of your first job. You bit your lip as you walked through the door. It was late- 11:45 to be exact- and you wanted to start your job, and you wanted to start it now. 

You made your way to the office, and you noticed two doors on each side of you. "Ew, creepy," you muttered to yourself as you sat down. 

After a while, you heard footsteps coming from the right door. On instinct, you closed it before you even looked to see what was there. You heard slight knocking on the door, the knocking gradually got louder. Your paranoia grew larger until you saw a large, pointed dent in the door. "Bloody Hell?" you muttered to yourself, as you walked toward the door, inferring the animatronic was only trying to burst down the door for sport. "A-are you okay?" you called out, only to be greeted with loud, ear-splicing screeching. You covered your ears and opened the door with your foot, barely pressing the button before losing balance and falling over. To your surprise, a fairly short maroon animatronic fox whose chest was badly ripped apart and had a hook on his right hand stared straight at you, his bright golden eyes cutting through your own eyes. You backed up to the wall, scooting out of his way as he walked over to you, his metal feet banging on the soft tiles. You had already reached the wall, gripping the bricks. Foxy had already walked over to you, his deadly glare sending shivers down your spine. The minute his cold, metallic body press against yours, you squeal in fear.

"Hush, love, I'm not goin' t' hurt ye," he whispered, backing up, looking at his hook and adjusting it. You sighed in relief, as you wiped the sweat from your forehead. "Wait, what was that whole dramatic entrance for?" you asked, regretting it as he turned around to stare at you. "'Twas all part of the act, lassie," Foxy explained. "First, ye knock on th' doors, then ye start clowly creepin' ye're way up to th' guard and scare the livin' shit outta th'm." "B-b-b-b-ut, why?" Foxy walked over to you, raising his very sharp hook and placed it on your lips, shushing you. You kept staring at him and his hook, looking to see what he would do. "Ye seem scared. I wonder why," Foxy teased, laughing, removing his hook from your lips. You rolled your eyes, still not fond of his way of teasing you. "Oh, stop ye're poutin', lassie. It's not th't big of a deal," Foxy replied, imitating your eyerolling playfully.  You couldn't help but giggle mentally at his playful behavior. Sure, it was annoying, but you couldn't help but think it was kind of adorable.

Without thinking, you lunged yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his torso. You felt him hesitate to hug you back, but once he did, you blushed almost as red as his skin was. Both of you could tell the situation got awkward, but you both stood there, wrapped around each other, as if nothing mattered. 

You looked at the clock and realized it was 3 AM. "Oh, god, Foxy, I totally forgot I had to work, I-" you stuttered, running around the office frantically. As you ran around Foxy, he held an arm out, causing you to halt your paranoid sprinting. "Calm down, lassie. Once they see me in here with ye, they'll back off.  I assure ye," Foxy said, drawing you in for another hug and not letting go. "You promise you won't leave?" you asked, giving him sad eyes. "Aye. I promise, love." You closed your eyes, not wanting him to let go. You suddenly felt him bend down and kiss you on the forehead, as you smiled afterward. You felt him slowly let go and you immediately ran to him again, wrapping your arms tighter. 

"Uh, lass, ye have a job ye should tend to," Foxy stuttered, blushing, and pointing to the tablet which had the cameras showcased on them. Your eyes quickly swung open as you walked toward the right door and closed it, already knowing Bonnie was there, though you were prevented from doing so by him jamming the door and smirking at you. Foxy scoffed and walked over to the door, shouting, "Aye, I got it covered in here, bucko! Go back to yer post 'til mornin'!" Bonnie rolled his eyes, obviously seeing you two attached to each other in the office. You looked at Foxy and smiled, walking toward the chair and sitting down and picking up the tablet. 

"Okay, I think I'm ready to finally start working now," you teased.

(Thanks for reading! This is my very first X Reader ever, so I hope I did a decent job. If not, please tell me in the comments how I can improve them! Thanks for everything!)

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