Bonnie x Reader

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(This is mostly intended for lilani2003, as she requested it.)

You walked to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, nodding at the vaguely tall building. "Hmm," you whispered to yourself. "Damn glad I decided not to take the night shift. This shit would be creeepy as heeellll."

You shuddered, noticing the obvious Show Stage, seeing all the animatronics standing atop the large platform. You shrugged it off at first, until a purple rabbit animatronic turned his head, his eyes fixed on yours. Biting your lip, you screamed mentally, noticing the rabbit was slowly inching his way closer to you. You quickly pulled out your phone to call the owners and tell them one of their animatronics had gone crazy, but you were already backed up against the wall, with Bonnie even closer than before. The minute he touched your body with his, you dropped your phone in fear, hearing it crack against the tile. You wanted to scream, "DAMNIT" but your mind was so fixed on trying to avoid Bonnie's wrath, you held in your words, hoping he'd eventually walk away.

Closing your eyes and whimpering, you could hear his mechanical arms moving closer towards you, one almost close to grasping your throat. You put a hand out to attempt to buy yourself some time by rivaling his strength, but instead you accidentally flicked his ears. Instantly, Bonnie's facial expression grew blank, and his arms fell to his side. You tilted your head in confusion as you slowly whispered his name. "Bonnie...?" The rabbit looked at you dead on, but his eyes looked as if he never meant to harm you anyway. After twenty seconds of staring, Bonnie wrapped his arms around you, shouting, "A FRIEND!" You squeaked from his sudden squeezing around your torso, feeling as if he could cause your whole body to cave in from his immense and uncontrollable power. Just as you were running out of air, Bonnie set you down, you gasping for oxygen. "Oh, I'm sorry," Bonnie apologized, patting your head softly. "I wasn't trying to hurt you." You looked at him, and for some reason, seeing him smile sweetly at you made you return the favor.

Bonnie wrapped one arm around you, drawing you in close to him. You placed a hand on his chest, trying to balance yourself from his forceful nudge. Noticing what you were doing, you looked up at him and blushed, removing your hand from his chest, scrubbing the palm with the thumb on your other hand. Bonnie quickly poked your side, making you lose your balance, and you placed your hand on his chest again.

"Okay, Bonnie, I swear, this isn't funny," you muttered angrily. To your surprise, Bonnie picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. As he started walking toward a doorway, he warned, "Oh, miss, you might want to duck." You noticed the doorway, ducking, putting yourself in between Bonnie's ears. Had you not avoided it, you would've gotten hit by the large, well-built ceiling. "Bloody hell," you muttered, feeling Bonnie's ear's twitch at your words.

Bonnie wandered into the security guard's office, you looking around in awe. "Bonnie, what is th-" you started, but your speech was cut off from a force pulling you down to the ground, your face in front of Bonnie's. "What was that f-" once again, you were cut off, but from something different. Bonnie had brought his lips to yours, kissing you. On instinct, your hands found your way to the back of his head, pushing his head further your way, making his kiss deeper.

After thirty seconds, you both let go, blushing hella hard. Unfortunately, you heard an alarm go off in the office, telling you your shift was over and it's time for the night shift to start. You clinged to Bonnie, wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Promise you won't forget me?" you asked, looking at him, fluttering your eyelashes.

"I promise," he replied.

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