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(This was requested by Pro_Gamergirl.) (And I apologize for this taking so long. I've been busy with school and such. I'll try not to be tardy anymore.)

You stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water soothe your naked body. It felt good, as it was pretty cold in your house, and the air conditioner wasn't helping at all. 

All throughout your time taking a shower, you could hear shallow footsteps outside your closed bathroom door. Slowly growing more paranoid at the fear of some demonic monster jumping out to skin you alive and tear you limb from limb, you quickly finished up your shower, turning off all the water, and wrapping a towel around your chest. You found another one to wrap your hair in so it would dry faster and not get your back as wet as usual.

As you went to put your hand on the door knob, the knob was spinning, indicating someone was on the other side trying to get in. You quickly grabbed a brush out of your drawer and hid behind the shower curtains, to try to buy yourself some time and a way to defend yourself, not like whacking an uninvited intruder in the head with a brush is going to do much. 

The door opened, and you peeked, seeing a medium-sized purple man, with a badge on his shirt reading, "VINCENT." You sighed mentally. Vincent?  You thought. That's the guy I work with! Did he seriously follow me home?  You swung open the shower curtains, seeing his eyes fall immediately on your half-naked body, you screaming, "Why are you here?" You heard him chuckle lightly, walking towards you slowly and ominously. "I followed you," he merely responded, holding his hands behind his back. "What're you holding behind your back? A knife? If you're planning on killing me, it-" Vincent cut you off by leaning forward and kissing you deeply. 

"No, love. Just my bare hands," Vincent replied, smiling. You stuttered, realizing he was still inching close to you, a hand behind your head. "V-Vincent. Why are you doing this?" you asked, feeling very uneasy at this point. "You see, (y/n), I crave you. Ever since I met you, I thought you were beautiful and I want to treat you as such," he responded, putting his other hand around your waist. You gasped softly, feeling his fingers cup around your ass, squeezing it gently. 

Vincent stared at you, his perverted smile growing too much to handle. You began grinding your private area against his in your own desperation, seeing his smile turn into a smirk. "It seems you need to be taught patience, my dear," Vincent replied, moving his hand from behind your head and down to your waist. He swooped you off of your feet, carrying you to your bedroom next door. 

"Mm, you should've known I was following you, I made it as obvious as I could," Vincent stated, setting you down lightly on the bed, looking away from you. He then looked back, adding, "You deserve to be punished." Both of his hands fell onto the towel you had wrapped around your chest. He began to fiddle with the knot, attempting to undo it. You bit your bottom lip, knowing there was no turning back after he got your wet towel off your body. 

You gasped loudly, feeling the cold air hit your now-naked body, seeing the towel being thrown to the corner of your room. "(Y/N). Are you ready for your punishment? I'll make it super hard to get out of," Vincent flirted, his hands cupping your breasts. You nodded subtly, seeing him lick his lips, as his head dived in between your beasts. You could feel him licking and sucking in between them, eventually using his tongue to lick the sides of each breast before bringing his head up to stare lustfully at your nipples. He began to kiss right above each nipple, then lowering his tongue to barely lick them. You moaned softly at his tongue-touching, hoping he wouldn't stop. 

You moaned louder when he brushed his chest against yours, aggravating your exposed areas in ways that was almost pleasurable. From the force he rubbed you with, one of the buttons on his shirt unbuttoned, almost leaving his chest exposed. 

Instead of moving his hands downward to your private domain, he kissed you passionately on the lips, moving his hands up and down your curves, making you shiver, and it driving you up the walls he wasn't giving you more. 

"Vincent!" you yelped, seeing him immediately bring his head up to stare you deeply in the eyes. "Yes, my dear?" he asked, his hands around your waist. "F-f-f-f-," you tried to say something, but in your own shyness, the word you were trying to say wouldn't come out of your mouth. Vincent chuckled darkly, bringing his lips to your ear to whisper, "I'll do that later." He began to nibble on your ear, eventually bringing his mouth to your neck to suck and lick at your collarbone, trying to find your sweet spot, making you moan loader than before. It didn't take him long to find it, biting, sucking, and licking at your sweet spot. You moaned, bringing your fingers to his shirt, unbuttoning it in your own pleasure, making him shudder slightly. 

"Okay," Vincent muttered, turning his head away to hide the fact he was blushing. He began to fiddle with his pants, only unbuttoning them, asking you to finish the job. At first, you were shy to do it, but you did, and you were both in awe and frightened over the sheer size of his member. "Time to make your punishment sweeter," Vincent muttered, turning his head to face you again. Instead of shoving his length inside you, he carefully inserted three fingers slowly, pumping them in and out at a slow pace so you could gradually get used to the pain. 

Once you couldn't feel his fingers inside you anymore, he pumped them in and out at a much faster, pleasurable pace. You moaned loudly, gripping the bed sheets tightly. Both you and Vincent were surprised at the fact you orgasmed over his fingers, him taking his fingers out, and began to lick away the juices, also shoving his tongue in your entrance, making you moan. As he explored inside you, you closed your eyes, feeling as though it was over. A sheering pain entered you, making your eyes pop open, you very quickly realizing it wasn't over. "I'll be gentle at first," Vincent informed, thrusting in and out, easing the pain a bit. After a while, he got faster and harder, thrusting in even harder. 

You both reached your climax and you both panted, trying to catch your breath. Vincent took his member out of you, saying sadly, "I guess I'd better be on my way." Your head sprang up, you asking, "Do you have to go?" You saw Vincent smirk, replying, "Are you insisting on me staying here?" "If you don't mind." Vincent cuddled you, pulling the covers above you both, merely replying, "No, my dear. I don't."

(That was my first lemon on this book! Thanks for all your support, and I'll try to upload more over the weekend.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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