It Was Him

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I awoke yawning and stretching. I slowly opened my eyes. I checked my phone and saw I had a new text message.

HAZ: Hey babe! Love you! Night! Hope you dream of me ;) Xxx <3

I smiled, that was from last night. I wish I would've read it before I fell asleep.

I got up and brushed my teeth and my hair. I used the loo and went to my closet. But I heard a knock on the door. I heard the door open and I ended up deciding I didn't want to change. I would just stay in my pjs.

Which right was just my bra and panties and Louis' shirt that came down to like the middle of my thighs. In so used to sleeping in his shirts now, I don't even really use my actual pajamas anymore!

I decided to go down to see who was at the door. It was probably just one of the lads so I didn't really care if they saw me in just Louis' shirt. I walked down the stairs with my phone in my hand and Shadow following me. As I got closer I could hear and argument.

I saw Louis was standing at the door but I couldn't see who the other person was.

"Just go away!" Louis exclaimed and when he moved I saw who it was. It was Harry! Oh yeah, I haven't told Louis yet, so he probably thinks we're still fighting.

"Hi Lou!" I say happily and he turns and smiles at me.

"Hey Bri! Oh sorry, he was just leaving!" He says turning to glare at Harry. I rolled my eyes.

"Louis, it's ok!" I said and Louis turned I look at me confused.

"What?" He asked confused.

I let Harry in shutting the door behind him.

"Thanks babe." Harry said and Louis still looked confused as ever. I sighed.

"It was him Louis." I say and it took him a little but he finally caught on. His eyes widened.

"I knew it was him! It did smell like him! I knew it!" Louis exclaimed proudly. While Harry and I stared at him confused.

"The stuffed animals! Bri was like obsessed with the smell! And they smelled like you!" Louis exclaimed pointing at Harry.

Ugh! Louis! Why did he have to say I was obsessed with the smell! My cheeks were bright red as Harry chuckled.

"So you like how I smell huh?" He said and I slapped his chest playfully.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Hey sorry mate. I'm glad your back!" Louis apologized to Harry and he smiled at him.

"It's ok." He said and gave him a 'bro hug.' When Harry turned around he noticed what I was wearing and he smirked. I looked down at my self and tried to tug the shirt down to make it longer.

"Damn, Louis your lucky. You get to live with her walking around the house like this." Harry said biting his lip.

"I know right." Louis said teasing me.

"Shut up." I said looking down. God I hate it when they make me blush!

Harry walked over to me, took my hands and put them at my side. I looked up at him and he was just looking down.

Then he lifted up the shirt really quickly.

"HARRY!" I yelled pulling the shirt back down. He smirked.

"Damn." He said looking up at me an chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

"Jerk." I said and he laughed.

"I love it when you yell my name." He said smirking and I frowned.

"Why?" I asked confused. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"'Cause I can imagine you yelling my name in bed." He said and backed away biting his lip and winking, which was about one of the sexiest thing you will ever see. My eyes widened.

"Um, that's nice." I said and he nodded.

"Yes, it is." He said and I rolled my eyes while Louis just looked confused.

"Ok then." He said awkwardly.

"Anyway! We should invite everyone! To celebrate you two being together again!" Louis suggested happily.

I nodded excitedly. "Ok! Just let me go change!" I exclaimed running up the stairs, and Harry followed me.

"I'LL RING THE LADS!!" Louis yelled from downstairs. I ran into my room and Harry ran in behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked going into my closet and looking at my clothes.

"Because, I want to watch." He said winking and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being so cheeky, and help me! Shorts?" I asked and he nodded.

"Definitely shorts." He said and I rolled my eyes but grabbed some shorts.


Everyone took it well about us being together again. Well I mean not together together, but yeah.... They were all happy!

Everyone was leaving. Harry was the last one out the door.

"I'm gonna miss you tonight." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'm so used to you being asleep across the hallway." He said and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yeah. And I'm so used to sleeping in someone's arms." I started. "But I have Louis for that." I said looking back at him and he smiled.

"Always!" He said happily. Harry glared at him playfully.

"You lay a hand on her and I will hurt you." He said jokingly.

"It's not my fault she loves to sleep in my shirts and in my arms." Louis teased Harry. He looked down the smile no longer on his face.

"Hey, don't worry. He's just my friend. If you were here, I would be sleeping in your shirts and in your arms." I said and he looked up giving me a half smile.

"Sorry mate, I didn't mean it like that." Louis said smiling sympathetically.

"It's alright. Well, uh, I guess I'll see you sometime....." Harry trailed off giving me a kiss on the cheek. He turned around and walked out the door and to his car. I waved and shut the door.

"Sleeping alone tonight or what?" Louis asked and I shrugged.

"Nah, my room or your room?" I asked.

"Mine." He said and I nodded.



I know this is really short and it took forever and it sucks and I'm really sorry!! But I've been so busy and I was also stuck and I didn't know what to do!! But the next chapter will be better!! I promise!!

And I'll update it as soon as I can!!

I hope my pups forgive me!!

Ok so..........

I gots another question for yous!!!

What's yous favorite animal print??

Mine would be ZEBRA PRINT!! All the way!!! Woo!

Haha ok!

What's yous fav. animal print??






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