Chapter 1 - A Familiar Figure

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Dipper's POV

'Ugh, stop moving!' I whisper quietly to myself in annoyance. I'm crouched in a small clearing in the forest, where most of the light is blocked by the massive, leaning trees. There's a tiny, jet-black creature darting around in the dry leaves surrounding me. It's an unknown creature, and I'm trying to get a photo of it for the journal. But I can only just see it in the darkness, and it's constant hopping didn't help at all.

Eventually, I get a good shot of it. Feeling triumphant, I stand up and start walking back towards the Mystery Shack, when I hear a low, threatening growl.

I spin around, expecting a giant mutant squirrel or something, or even just a regular wild animal. Both would be pretty bad. Not there's nothing there, not that I could see. I'd have to move fast, before it appeared and attacked me.

Too late.

The very second I turn around, a huge, angry body leaps onto me, baring it's dagger-like teeth.

'AAAAAAAAAAAGH!' I scream at the top of my lungs, but I knew it was no use. Nobody would hear me from this deep in the forest. There's no point in trying to fight. The animal attacking me was more than twice my size, and incredibly powerful. I knew I was a goner.

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