Chapter 2 - His Presence Haunts Me

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(Sorry about not updating for ages!)

Bill's POV

I'm running. Running faster than I ever have before, because I can feel it. I know that's he's in danger.

I'm stumbling blindly through the darkness; my usual grace has left me. I'm screaming his name, crying into the abyss, desperately hoping for an answer.


Suddenly, I break through the veil of darkness surrounding me, and I see a familiar place. The Gravity Falls forest, known for it's massive pine trees.

Pine trees.

I suddenly remember why I'm in the mortal world again.

'Pine tree! Pine tree! Where are you, you idiotic human?!' I call out frantically. I'm not angry, I'm terrified. I had to know where that reckless human was. I had to know he was safe.

After what seemed like years of running, I suddenly heard a furious growl and a bloodcurdling scream from far away, and my heart leaped into my mouth. I immediately began to sprint blindly towards the noise, crying into the endless dark, petrified by the thought of what might be happening to my human. My stupid, precious human.

When I reached a clearing, I saw what was happening. A Draconite bear (a common demon in my dimension) was attempting to maul a screaming, writhing body that was trying to dodge a deadly blow from it's razor-sharp fangs.

I ran forward, blazing with fury, and tore the bear off him easily, before kicking it into the dust, knocking it out.

My rage disappeared, and for a moment I was calm, before I was suddenly choking in fear. I feverently rushed over to Pinetree, who was slumped against a tree, unconscious and bleeding. The beast had made a huge gash on his shoulder and chest, and there were claw marks all over his arms. I seized his wrist and felt desperately for a pulse, and almost fainted in relief when I felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath my fingers.

I thought for a moment as my panic calmed, looking down at him. I had to do something about the bleeding, or he would die before he awoke.

I'd made up my mind. Very, very gently, I lifted him into my arms, making sure not to brush any of his cuts in the process. Once I'd successfully picked him up, I walked out of the clearing and into the the moonlit woods. The silvery light made his brunet hair look beautiful. As I looked down at him, I smiled slightly, because I was seeing him again at last.

My little tree...

My Little Tree... A BillDip Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now