The Day....

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A/N - Hi and sorry again for a really very late update. Exams are just about to begin and I have to study now. Sorry. Also, do read my other book which is a Vivian Dsena (R.K. The Superstar from Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon and Abhay Raichand from Pyaar ki Ek Kahani) fan fiction written especially for my sister. Sorry. I'll stop typing A/N. Just don't shoot me for such a long one. This is a flashback. Also, I deleted the previous part as I didn't like it. So, here is a new version.

6 August 2001

The scientists were excited. Their faces were lit up. After all, after seven years of hard work, they were finally going to get the radiations from the star.

The star wasn't just any star, it was a star with some different and undiscovered properties. It wasn't the regular star.

But praise the Lord! He made us and gave each of us a brain.

So, here, in the Space Research Organization, the five members - Dr. Murthy, Dr. Kapoor, Dr. Vinnie, Dr. Shewta and Dr. Murthy were all excited.

"You know when Nando and Rishab will grow up, they would be so proud of us and say, 'Look, these are my parents.' When we will go to India, Amma would be so proud of us." said Mrs. Murthy a.k.a. Dr. Murthy to Mr. Murthy a.k.a. Dr. Murthy again.

"Yes I know. Oh! Come quick! It is going to begin!" exclaimed Mr. Murthy.

"Guys... Let's count down." said our young Vinnie.

"THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!" all of the five scientists shouted in a unison.

They all laughed in joy. After all, once they get the radiations from that star, they could find the cure for cancer final stage.

"Wait? What the hell is happening?" cried Mr. Murthy and started to check the machines and the little crown which was working as a transmission device.

The little golden coloured crown was a machine in itself. It acted like a barrier for the unwanted and harmful rays of that star. Moreover, it had such a great magnetic force that it was attracting the radiation towards itself. It was such an invention!

But this laughter noticed on the face of each and every member soon disappeared.

There was a big technical fault in the crown. They were working on it since five years and now their whole experiment was a fail.

"The radiations are too dangerous. We need to shut the process." came running in Dr. Joe with her heels pinching the marble tiles.

"Yes, we are already doing our part." said Mrs. Murthy.

"Oh yeah quick." Dr. Joe said and all of the six somehow stopped the experiment.

"Now, listen, this crown has a huge magnetic force. Maybe it'll attract radiations from the star when it will become a shooting star and this time, the radiations would not be controllable. So, I have decided that... So I have decided that we are going to keep this crown with next for the next three days until it gets dismantled." said Mr. Murthy with a sadness yet boldness in voice.

"No, we can't let you..." said Dr. Joe but she was cut by Mrs. Murthy who said, "This is too dangerous to keep in lab. You know why we wanted to do this experiment latest by today? Because tomorrow the star will become a shooting star and the radiations would be uncontrollable. So, this is final because if it hits the lab, all the chemicals would just blast and all the members in our team know that."

After a big quarrel, it was decided that Mr. Murthy is going to keep it because it was assumed that the star won't turn into a shooting star for the next five days and hello! Scientists are optimistic.

A/N - I know this is a pretty short update but it is all I can put in this chapter... So here comes another mystery that I want to you people to solve for me (though I think I already told the answer): How did our Nandu's parents died?

KY2 Season 2 began. But, I don't know why, but I didn't like it like I used to love KY2... Maybe it's because the fun element Cabir is not their or the 'Ma' of MaNan is missing... Do comment what you feel about the new season (if you are watching it).

So, to all of my lovely readers, get ready for the suspense breaker or the mystery 'opener ' in the next few chapters accompanied by a lot of drama.

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