Young Severus x reader.

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Your point of view.

You were walking through the halls of Hogwarts with your best friend Severus you had just had your last class for the day: potions. It was both your favourite subject. You were talking about potions when someone pushed in to you knocking you over. Severus helped you up and asked if you are okay but before you could answer he was running down the hall chasing James Potter. Lily walked by and asked what happened but I didn't answer because I knew what was going to happen to Severus I sprinted down the hall running down to the whomping willow Severus was getting hit but one of its branches.
"Immobulus " I shouted and ran over to Severus.
He looked like he was in pain I looked over my shoulder to see James pointing his wand at me and lily standing next to him. I didn't bother with him I looked back to Severus to see tears streaming down his face.

I grabbed my wand out of my pocket I raised it pointing it at James.
"Ha what is this filthy little mud-blood going to do to me expel..."
"Petrificus totallus" I shouted Lily, Remus, Sirius and Peter now had their wands pointed at me.
"Let's do this ANIMAL STYLE" I screamed they understood because they turned into animagus form no one had seen mine before I was a lion. They looked at me and Sirius pounced at me I clawed at him and he flew back ten more minuets of this and I gave up I turned back into my human form and picked up the unconscious Sev and walked to the hospital wing. Dumbledore was already in there and so was Madame Pomfrey they looked at Sev as I was placing him on a bed and kissing him on the cheek like usual we were not dating but we still did that.

Put it this way the marauders spent one whole week in detention with Filch.

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