Draco x reader

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Your prospective

You were walking to the (Y/H/N) table and sat down next to a seventh year you are in fifth year along with the golden trio but you didn't really have many friends. You didn't eat much but you got up and left anyway you felt like someone was watching you but you ignored it. You walked back to your common room ignoring everyone and everything. You flopped onto your bed but you didn't get changed out of your school clothes. You slowly fell into a sleep.

You woke up sweating and crying but no one was awake. You took the opportunity to walk down to moaning Myrtles bathroom she was like your only friend.
"Back again (y/n)" Myrtle asked.
"Yeah, bad dream"
"Well I would usually take a walk, when I was alive but watch out for Snape" she said.
"Thanks Myrtle" you said whilst walking away you , you liked roaming the corridors after curfew. You sat down in a corner and put a protection charm around yourself so if anyone walked by they wouldn't be able to see you.

You heard footsteps coming so you stepped back into the protection charm just in time someone came round the corner. You didn't know who it was because you couldn't see their face and it definitely is not a teacher. So you stepped out of the charm to get a closer look. The person turned to face you and you realised who it was it was Marcus Flint he walked towards you and pushed you against the wall he started kissing you. You turned my head to face away from him he had a tight grip on your wrists. You struggled against him he moved one of his hands down to your belt.
"No, stop it" You said
He didn't stop.
"STOP" You shouted he wasn't stopping.
"I believe she told you to stop" someone said.
Flint looked over to the person you took the opportunity and kicked where the sun doesn't shine. He dropped you to the floor and you crawled back to the protection. You saw Flint fire a spell and one got fired at him and he ran away.

"You can come out now" a soft voice said. You slowly crawled out.
"Hi, what's your name" he asked
"(Y/F/N) I'm in (Y/H/N)" you whisper.
"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy I'm a Slytherin" Draco said.
Then you heard footsteps this time you knew it was a teacher. You only made the protection charm big enough for one person. You pushed Draco into the corner just in time because the teacher who you now know is Umbridge walked around the corner.
"Ahh, Miss (Y/L/N) what are you doing out of bed at this time come with me" Umbridge said. Draco stepped out of the corner and gave you a look of sympathy.

*^*^*^*^* time skip to the morning*^*^*^*^*

You were still in Umbridge's office hand soaked in blood. Tears in your eyes,
"I think it has sunk in" Umbridge said you got up and walked out.

"Hey wait" someone shouted. You stopped and turned around and there stood the golden trio.
"What" you ask.
"Malfoy is hurt and he wants you" Hermione granger said.
"Where?" You ask
"Boys prefect bathroom all the teachers are there" Harry replied you run as fast a s you can to the boys prefect bathroom and there was indeed Draco lying on the floor covered in water. You push past all the teachers and kneel down next to Draco.
"Did she... Did she hurt you" Draco asked in a soft voice.
"I'm fine you don't worry about me I'll be fine" you say and put your left hand on his chest the one that is covered in blood.
"Miss (y/l/n), what happened who did this" professor Snape asked.
"Umbridge" you whisper looking down.
"Umbridge" you say a bit louder gasps could be heard from all around the room.

You picked up Draco and took him straight to the hospital wing and walked away.

A few days later you get pulled into a broom cupboard by someone you go to scream but you feel a pair of soft plump lips on yours. The person pulled away and you look up to see Draco Malfoy. You have had a crush on him for a while. He looks down to your lips and back to your eyes and leans in you lean in as well and your lips meet in the middle the kiss is soft and gentle but still full of passion. You loved it.

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