Young Remus x OC

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This chapter is for Grumpycoco who requested this one shot!! I hope you like it!!
Coral's POV
I was walking down the corridor with my amazing boyfriend an his group of lunatics, heading to potions, Gryffindor and Slytherin.  You see I'm a Slytherin, it took Remus a lot of convincing the rest of the marauders that I wasn't evil and wasn't going to find out his secret which I still don't know.  We reached potions about five minutes late.

Potions passed like a flash, I decided since it was dinner I would wait for the gang at the doors of the great hall. Everyone had arrived except Remus,
'Guys, I'll go look for him, okay' I said
'Okay, don't be too long' Sirius said walking into the great hall.
I turned the corner and looked up, there was Remus Lupin, pinned up against the wall by a hufflepuff in our year, named Samantha Johnston.

I choked on a sob and they both looked up at me I looked at Remus in disbelief, I backed away into someone. 
'REMUS JOHN LUPIN, HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON CORAL' James shouted from behind me.  I turned and ran, James, Sirius and Remus shouting my name.  Not knowing where to go I ran to the whomping willow and sat down at its trunk. A few hours later the sun had set and the full moon had arose.  I softly began singing to myself, i sung fool that I am by Etta James;
Fool that I am,
For falling in love with you.
And a, fool that I am,
For thinking you loved me, too.
You took my heart,
Then played the part of little coquette.
And, all my dreams just disappeared
Like the smoke from a cigarette.
Fool that I am,
For hoping you'd understand.
And thinking you
Would listen, too,
And, oh, the things I had planned.
But we couldn't see eye to eye
So, darling, darling, darling,
This is goodbye.
But I still care, but I still care,
And oh, fool that I am.
Oh, but I still care,
Fool that I am.

I soon fell slowly into a sleep, I woke up suddenly when a growl awoke me. I gulped, not great. I slowly looked around to see a werewolf starring down at me. I suppressed a scream, that would only make things worse.
The werewolf lunged forward at me, I turned and crouched away from it, the wolf scratched all down my back from my neck to the end of my tail bone.  Slowly I started feeling dizzy I collapsed on the ground just as everything was going black.
'Coral, Coral don't die on us please' someone said before I drifted into darkness.

I woke up with a start an sat straight up, I suddenly regret it because there is an immense pain that shoots down my back. Madame Pomfrey slowly lies me back down.
'DID I HURT HER, IS SHE OK!!' Shouting erupted throughout the hospital wing, I looked up to see Remus running towards the bed.
'Remmy, Remmy you didn't hurt me it was the werewo...' I suddenly dawned on me. I looked up and Remus and he had tears running freely down his face.
'Y-y-you th-think I'm... I'm a mon-monster, d-d-don't you' Remus said.
'NO, This, this, this is amazing, your brilliant, absolutely, brilliant!' I said to him with a massive smile on my face.

He looked up at me unsure of what to do, he kind of looked like a lost puppy. ( just imagine that) I shifted over on the small bed and lifted up part of the duvet and patted the space next to me. 
'C'mere, you big softie' I said. He gladly took the offer, and jumped right up onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, carefully may I add, and I buried my face into the crook of his neck while i gripped his t-shirt like it was my life-source. He hummed a soft tune, which I recognised to be 'you belong with me' by Taylor Swift, I hummed along with him, until we both fell into a deep, deep sleep. In each others embrace.
Once again that was for Grumpycoco I hope it was like you wanted, If anyone else has a request message me or leave it in the comments and I will try my best.
-Lauren  xxx

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