Young Remus

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You were walking down to your best friend of two years house James Potter. All the marauders were there you were close friends with all of them. You shortly arrived at his home but you went around to the back of the house and climbed a tree that lead straight to James' room. You knocked on the window and opened it yourself. You climbed through the window surprised to see that James and Sirius were making out on his bed. You just lean against the window waiting for one of them to notice you nothing yet. Silently Remus creeps in shocked to see you because you moved away last year but this year you are not going to Beaxbattons you got accepted into Hogwarts for third year and up which means you need to be sorted. You put your finger on your lips as to say be quiet, he nodded in response.
"Erh mai gawd, Siriusly Padfoot"
You said and moony caught on.
"Erh mai gawd prongs don't stop I love you"
Moony said.
"Siriusly Sirius, your such an amazing kisser"
Is what You finish of saying.
"Get lost wormtail and moony" Sirius said.
"Hey what about her" moony said accusingly.
"Who's her" he asked
"Meeeeeeeeee!" You screamed and jumped on top of them they hugged you tightly.
"Speaking of where is that little rat" you mutter and get up and lean against the window and out of nowhere you hear
"Cruccio" coming from in front of you, you stumble back in pain and fall out of the window. You hit your head pretty hard and then Remus jumps out after you and lands on his knees and elbows with them either side of you.
"Hey it's okay the pains gone now and all that's left is the pain from the fall but in order for me to help you need to open your eyes and I can heal you" Remus said to you you flutter your eyes open and blink a few times.

You had a plan you had a crush on Remus and knew he had one on you.
"Here" you said pointing towards your lips.
"I can help you with that" he whispered and leans in slowly trying not to hurt you. You connect the final gap between your lips and literally James and Sirius set fireworks of from there wands you and Remus brake apart.
"Expelliarmus" you mutter twice at James then Sirius.
Remus leans in again and connects you lips for the second time and you practically start making out. The kiss was soft and gentle like you expected you really needed to breathe so you pulled apart.
"Girlfriend?" Remus whispers like a question
"Girlfriend" you replied.

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