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I wake up, wrapped in the covers of my bed. Josh must've brought me up here, he's so cute. And I'm still in my clothes from yesterday so at least I know he's not a pervert.

I hear a knock on my door, then it opens a bit to reveal Josh.

"Good morning." He smiles, walking in. "Your mom told me to come get you, we made breakfast."

"We? Wow, I think my mother has a little obsession with you." I laugh.

Josh laughs, then he sits at the foot of my bed and picks something off of it, his expression breaks into a huge smile.

"What?" I ask.

He turns toward me and holds up the Twenty One Pilots tee that Lilly bought me.

"Oh, my gosh, okay, my moms friend bought me that, she said it looked like my style." I say.

"Am I your style?" Josh asks, he's now holding himself up above me.

"What if you fall on me?" I laugh, uneasily.

"That would probably hurt... you, but not me so it's okay." He smirks.

I scoff, pushing him off. He grabs my waist and pulls me over on top of him, my face is only about two inches from his. He lifts his head and presses his lips to mine. I pull away and he tries to grab me, he misses.

Finally he ends up tackling me and I let out a yelp in pain, he pulls back and furrows his eyebrows, "Shit, are you okay, Brooklyn?"

I duck under his arms and run downstairs, laughing, no- more like a weird giggle, he runs after me and pins me against the wall.

"What are you guys doing?" My mom asks, raising her eyebrows.

"We're playing-"

"Tag!" Josh smiles.

My mom laughs, "okay, well you should eat something first."

"Not hungry." I say.

"But I helped make it." Josh pouts.

I roll my eyes at him and grab a plate, they made buttermilk pancakes.

"You're so talented." I say, sarcastically.

"I know," Josh smirks.

We eat, then my mom goes to work and Josh and I kinda just sit around talking.

Someone knocks on the door and I go answer it.

"Uh, hi, we were supposed to go get something to eat today and go to the mall." Rebekah says, seeming quite pissed off.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say, about to tell her I can't when Josh walks out.

Rebekah's mouth drops open, she runs in and hugs him, "Remember me?" She squeals.

"Uh, yes." Josh answers, making it sound more like a question than an answer.

"Wait," Rebekah stops. "what are you doing here? I know Brooklyn's mom isn't home. Why are you two home alone? Are you guys-"

"No, stop!" I say, frustrated.

"Only if... you go to the mall with me!" She squeals, yet again. "And you too, Josh!"

"Sure, sounds fun." He says, casually sticking his hands in the pockets of his sweats.

We get into Rebekah's car and go to the mall.

Josh wraps his arm around my neck in a kind of friendly manner, but I can't help wish it was more than that.

Rebekah pulls us into Hot Topic and we look at the stuff, but the whole time I'm thinking about Josh.

"You should try this on, it looks like your style." Josh smirks, grabbing the exact same shirt that Lilly gave me.

I give him a fake laugh, "You're so hilarious."


Josh walks over to the wall and grabs a Nirvana shirt, white cat tights, and super short high waisted shorts. "Try these on," he says, then grabs a bralette, "these are pretty cool right now, right? Yeah, wait so I need to change the shirt because I think you're supposed to be able to see the little things." He picks out a 5 Seconds of Summer tank and throws it to me.

A lady lets me into the dressing room and I pull on all the stuff. I walk out and Rebekah says, "Holy shit, Josh knows what works for you."

"I'm her style," he grins, earning a giggle and a confused look from Rebekah.

"I actually kinda like this," I laugh. "I think I'm going to buy it."

"I'm buying it for you." Josh says.

"Nope," I say, setting my things on the desk. The lady there starts ringing them up. I reach into my wallet to grab out my money just as Josh wraps his arm around my neck and hands the lady the right amount of cash.

"I win." He smiles, pulling me out of the store with Rebekah following us.

"I'm hungry." Rebekah says. We head to the food court then decide to hit a few more stores and go home.

Rebekah drops Josh and I off at my house, I flop down on the couch when we get inside.

Josh sits next to me and plays with my left hand.

"Hey Brooklyn, uh, are we like... a thing?" He asks.

"I don't know, are we?"

"I want to- well, I mean, whatever you want, I guess." He says, casually, even though I could tell he was about to say that he wants to be a thing.

"Okay, then yeah." I smile down at his fingers still playing around with mine, nervously.

"We should have nicknames." He smiles.

"Well, you already call me Seattle Girl." I laugh.

"Okay, but we need other more original nicknames, Seattle girl." He smirks.

I laugh. "How about Joshy and..."

"Brooklyny? How about no." He says, laughing.

His eyes widen, "Boo! Not like 'omg you're my boo', but like because Brooklyn has Boo in it, so I could call you that! And you can call me... Joshy bear."

"I'm cringing, but okay, just for you," I pretend to gag. "Joshy bear."

"Okay, I actually hate that, but I'm going to call you Boo." He says, leaning down a bit.

I grab the collar of his flannel and pull him down on top of me, I wasn't expecting him to fall on top of me, though. He laughs and rolls under me, I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes, breathing in the scent of plain soap and flowers.

Everything in my life is perfect, everything feels right.

But no, it can't stay this way forever.

I grip the collar of his flannel and try to just hold on to this moment, the here and now.

[a/n: is it just me or does anyone else daydream about what josh smells like? like when i meet him, im going to smell him, like that sounds so weird but yeah. i imagine calum hood smelling like that one deodorant that my older brother (he's 22) wears. i love the smell omg]

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