Part 3

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The three of them packed into Dylan's car and drove to the hospital. After waiting for half an hour (it would have been 25 minutes, but Lauren had to pee again), they were finally let into Joe's room.

'Joe!' Meredith and Dylan sang as they burst into the room.

About nine of the Starkids were scattered around the room while Joe smiled as the centre of attention. Alex showed up with flowers and now sat next to Joe's bed; Jim was sitting on a chair in the corner asleep with a book and Brant, Jeff and Brian stood near the window with fake moustaches, trying to make Joe smile. Rachael was singing backup for the boys and Jaime and Joey were talking to the cops just inside the door.

Lauren crept around Dylan and Meredith and quietly walked over to Joe's bed. Her cheeks were flushed and Joe definitely noticed.

'There's my other angel!' He smiled, forgetting about the others around them.

Lauren's eyes flew wide open and every eye in the room was on her. Her cheeks grew redder and redder as he laughed, unaware that he had embarrassed her. She turned and ran out of the room as quickly as she could and ran to the bathroom.

'Lo! Wait!' Meredith called out.

'Dylan! Go get her!' Joe pointed after Lauren.

His deep voice was the one thing that turned their stares away. The doctor, with his face almost entirely covered by his mask, entered the room and asked for everyone that wasn't family to leave so he could speak to Joe privately. The group started to head out, but Joe spoke up.

'Can we just wait for one more second? My sister... Lauren... is just in the bathroom.'

The doctor nodded, and Jaime turned to look at Joe. He looked a little different- and not just physically.

'Let me go, Dyl! I don't want to go back in there!' Joe heard Lauren's voice from the hallway.

Lauren stumbled into the room with a glare on her face. The door slammed shut and Lauren blew a strand of hair out of her face. The doctor pointed to a chair next to Joe's bed and Lauren sat down in a huff.

Ten minutes later, the door swung open and the doctor emerged. A bench just outside the door held all of the Starkids. Some were on laps and others on the arms or being crushed underneath everyone else. He held open the door and all of the Starkids burst in together.

The doctor waved and said 'Goodbye, Joe- Ms Walker.'

He winked at them and everyone turned to see Lauren hugging Joe. She had tears in her eyes but she wiped them away before anyone saw them. Joe turned away and laid down to sleep.

'What- visiting hours are over?' Jim asked.

Brian and Meredith nodded and Jeff pointed to the sign above the door. 'It's baby Joe's nap time.'

'I'm not asleep yet, Jeff.' Joe mumbled through his tired demeanour.

'Was it serious?' Alex asked.

Lauren shook her head. 'You know, minor concussion. Anyway, where's Rob?'

'I dunno- thought he'd be here for sure.' Denise replied.

Jeff peeled off his moustache and started shoving everyone out the door. Jaime slipped past him and kicked his butt, shutting the door behind him. She held out her arm and hoisted Lauren up.

Lauren reached for the door handle and Jaime noticed some new bling on Lauren's hand.

'Where'd that come from?' She raised her eyebrows and Lauren shrugged.

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