Part 22

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Lauren woke up extremely perky, much to everyone's disappointment. She jumped out of the bed, almost dragging Jaime and Meredith with her. She jumped around and ran over to Rachael, blabbering about unicorns or stickers or something. Rachael rubbed her eyes and grudgingly woke up, whacking Lauren's stomach.

'Rach! I missed you! How are you?' Lauren jumped around Rachael.

'I'm good- missed you too.' She smiled up at Lauren, squinting in the bright white light.

'Your girlfriend is up.' Brian said irritatedly, sitting up and rubbing his head.

'I hear her.' Joe replied. 'Wait, aren't you injured?' He sat up and watched Lauren bouncing, when she suddenly stopped and looked at her ankle.

Lauren sat down and crossed her legs, looking down into her lap. 'Oops.'

Jaime, still under Meredith's arm and half-asleep, called out to Lauren. 'I told you he'd figure it out one day.'

'Figure what out?' Meredith asked, pulling her arm off Jaime and sitting up.

Rachael sat up properly and stretched, undoing her hair and trying to neaten it. 'Yeah- figure out what?'

Lauren giggled into her lap and hid behind her hands. Joe stood up and walked over to her, putting his face extremely close to hers. 'Boo.' He whispered.

Lauren giggled and pulled her hands away from her face, looking at Joe. His blue eyes stared deep into her chocolate brown, sending a chill down her spine. 'I knew you loved it!' Joe smiled.

'Is anyone else freaking confused?' Rachael asked.

Jaime and Meredith were now sitting up, and managed a simple nod. 'Wait no. I'm the one who said it.' Jaime corrected herself. 'I need coffee.'

'We all do. Except Lauren.' Meredith grinned.

'Can someone wake up Joey?' Jaime asked, dropping her head onto Meredith's shoulder.

Brian looked at Joey slumped in the chair. He nudged his leg, but Joey didn't budge. 'Joey?' Brian sang, standing up and poking his face.

'Oh yeah! Jaime, I forgot. I asked Denise to water your plants and feed your fish or whatever, and she seemed to think you had a flower shop in there. Know anything about that?' Meredith raised her eyebrows, winking at Jaime.

Jaime blushed. 'Uh... I dunno. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I do know I want coffee.'

Joey sat up at the second mention of coffee, sending Brian flying backwards. 'I'll go!'

Joey stood up and held out a crooked arm, Jaime gratefully taking it and slipping off the bed. Lauren squealed from underneath Joe as he tickled her, crying out to Jaime.

'Take... Take my- JOE STOP IT! Wallet!' Lauren finally managed.

Jaime waved it up in the air. 'Already got it.'

Joey pulled open the door and the two of them waltzed down the hallway before realising they had no idea where to get coffee from.

Lauren was recovering from Joe's tickle torture and trying to breathe, when Rachael walked up to Jeff's bed.

'I hope he wakes up, too, Rach.' Brian said, wandering over and placing his arm on her shoulder.

Meredith sauntered over, almost tripping on Lauren pulling a Draco Malfoy on the floor (much to Joe's delight) and stood on the other side of Brian.

'Oh that's right- He already did.' Rachael whacked Jeff's arm. 'Wake up, Blim.'

Jeff shook his head gently, ignoring the pain in his neck and head. 'Only if you kiss me.'

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