Part 6

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Meredith slowly started to wake up. Around her, there was only darkness. She tried to stand up, realising that she was on cold, stony ground. 'Ow...' She felt her neck. Four bumps. Did someone TASER me? She remembered sparks and a shooting pain, but that was all.

A small gasp from across the room made Meredith scream. Another scream ran over hers- Dylan's.

'Meredith!' Dylan jumped to his feet and ran over to the screaming sound.

'Dylan?' Meredith was confused. She held out her hands and felt something warm grab them.

Dylan pulled Meredith close- she was freezing. The room was pitch black.

'We need some light. Let's find a switch or something...' Dylan held onto Meredith's hand and gently pulled her around the whole room, feeling the walls.

He didn't feel a corner, a door or anything (except for the occasional large object which caused Dylan to fall over at least twice). Meredith stretched for a moment, and her hand bumped a cord hanging from the roof. A light cord!

Meredith yanked the cord and the room was flooded with light. The room was entirely round and only had one bed, a toilet and a clock. Dylan rubbed his eyes and they finally adjusted to the light. Stone walls randomly covered with pink curtains surrounded the whole room. He felt inside his pockets for his phone, but found nothing.

Dylan turned to Meredith and saw her hair. 'What happened there?' He placed his hand on the back of her head, and lifted up a few strands. They fell from his fingers and Meredith flicked it behind her ears. Dylan flinched as he saw a small cut on the top of her head.

She crossed her arms. 'That stupid idiot who's hurting us broke in and cut my hair.'

'That's it? What does that have to do with-' Dylan was cut off.

'He sprayed it white.'

Dylan tried as hard as he could to hide his smile, but Meredith knew it was waiting to come out.

'Smile, Dyl. I know you're gonna do it anyway.' She murmured.

Meredith walked over to the bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. Dylan held it in.

'Well, if what Lauren said is true, why are we locked in here- alone?' Dylan sat on the toilet.

Meredith sat up. 'Are you serious? Your favourite role and you can't even figure out why it's US locked in here.'

Twisted. Sherrezade and Ja'far were locked in the lamp together at the end of the play.

'Didn't they stay there for the rest of their lives?' Dylan's eyes grew wide.

'Great- I have to spend the next 1,001 lifetimes with you.' Meredith crossed her arms.

* * *

At the hospital, Lauren made Joey drag the couch next to Joe's bed so she could sleep beside him. Joey went to get some more coffee for Jaime, who was currently sitting on top of Lauren.

'If this ass wanted me to say I like Joey out loud, why are you getting the notes? It HAS to be something else.' Jaime had liked Joey for a while, and hadn't even told Lauren.

'What if that's just it though? What could it hurt?' Lauren tried to encourage Jaime.

'What do you mean? It wouldn't accomplish anything!' Jaime protested.

Lauren tried to avoid Jaime's eyes. She scrunched up her face and started looking around the room at random things- anywhere but Jaime's face. Jaime grabbed Lauren's face and turned it so she could see exactly what face Lauren was pulling. Jaime knew Lauren so well, she could tell what Lauren was thinking from her face. She knew when Lauren liked Joe, she knew when Lauren was upset, she knew when Lauren was mad- and she definitely knew when Lauren knew a huge secret.

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