Chapter 1: Not Yet Intertwined

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?! Hello? Earth to (Y/N), we'll be late if you don't snap out of it! Our stop is coming up soon." Eren yelled at you over the countless people that were talking. It was a Monday morning and as per usual you were sitting next to Eren on the way to school in a crowded bus. People were getting on and off at every stop often making you and your best friend, late for school.

Peering out the window you saw a few people walking with their bags on their back or in their hands and the school uniform on. The uniform was pretty normal you thought, the skirt wasn't super short and you liked wearing the knee length socks that went with it. The tie however was super hard to tie up and you often had Eren tie it for you.

"(Y/N) is your mind not with you this morning? Your hair isn't even done up yet." Eren spoke again as he pressed the button to let the driver know to let us off at the next stop.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you realised your hair was in a wild mess of knots and curls, struggling you managed to quickly plait your hair into two braids chucking them behind your shoulders and grabbing your bag as the bus stopped.

"Dammit Eren why do you come get me so late," you say running down the isle to get off the bus.

"Why don't you wake up earlier?" Eren countered what you just said.

"You broke my alarm clock, remember?" you said as you stepped off the bus and onto school grounds.

"That was ages ago! You should've fixed it by now but no, you're too lazy," Eren said, he seemed to be winning this argument so you quickly dropped it and moved onto the next subject.

"Welcome back, to hell," you spoke with a fake cheery voice.

"Today you shall learn marvellous things that will help you in the future," Eren spoke with the same overly cheery voice you used.

"Have a wonderful day here at Titan High School where we offer you the best and only the best," you both said together before bursting out into laughter.

"Come on let's go, we'll try not to be late today," you said to Eren before running off towards your locker.

"No promises though!" He yelled after you.

"No promises!"

You run through the slowly thinning out hallways saying a few hello's along the way before you finally reached your locker, now it was just a matter of getting it open. You bit the inside of your mouth in concentration as you entered the code.

"13...21....6," you whispered under your breath.

Click, your lock clicked and opened and you let out a silent yell of happiness.

Stuffing your bag in your locker you grabbed books for the first two periods of the day, science and then humanities, oh the joy. Looking around you realised there were only a few stragglers left making their way to class and with that you locked your locker in a very clumsy fashion and bolted down the hallway.

When you made it to your classroom door you quickly fixed yourself up and opened it, as you closed the door the bell went.

"That was a close one, Miss (Y/N). Please take a seat," your home room teacher Ms. Petra said softly, her smile never leaving her face.

You nodded and gave her a small smile before running over to your empty desk beside Eren.

"And Miss (Y/N) does it again! How long can she keep up this stunt before the bell catches her? Find out on Titan High news, Eren Jeager reporting." Eren said winking at you.

Rolling your eyes you say, "I don't think I'll make it next time."

"That's your fault, your locker is a mess. No wonder it takes you ages to get all your books," Connie interrupted your conversation as he leaned back in his chair to talk to the both of you.

"Hey!" You say trying to sound offended, "my locker is, in fact, very neat." And with that Connie and Eren both looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Judging by their reaction to that, it is obviously not," Turning to look at who spoke you realised that it was Armin. Armin was a quiet boy with gorgeous blue eyes and whenever he spoke it was either to Eren or to Mikasa, you have to admit though you sort of had a crush on him. Realising who spoke Eren nudged you in the side giving you a wink as you turned to look at him.

"You are one hundred percent correct Armin," Connie said with a grin.

"Of course he is!" Eren said putting an arm around Armin.

A small smile appeared on Armin's face and you breathed in quickly, your stomach felt like millions of butterflies and your heart rate was beating rather fast.

"Well I'll clean it up then," you say still defending yourself.

"Yeah, yeah, of course you will," Eren said his voice full of sarcasm.

"Alright class, the bell has gone so time for your first period, now off you go," Ms. Petra said rather cheerfully.

"Yes Ma'am," Everyone in the class said as they rose and hurried off to get to their next class. In your mind however you weren't thinking about science or humanities, you were thinking of the beautiful smile that Armin had and how it made your heart flutter.

Stories Intertwined (An Attack on Titan Fanfiction) {Not Edited}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant