Chapter 3: Severed Threads

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Groaning you woke up to the sound of your alarm. It was finally the weekend and you really just wanted to sleep in but you had promised Eren to meet him at the mall. He said he had some sort of surprise and knowing him, he had something he could gain from it. Sighing you dragged yourself out of bed. You wondered if it was just going to be the two of you or if you would run into anyone.

There was a knock at the door, dragging you feet you made your way to the front room to open it revealing a cleanly dressed Eren grinning at you.

"That is a serious case of bed hair," Eren said looking at you.

"You're early..." You grumbled.

"So?" Eren replied pursing his lips, he then laughed. "Hurry up!" He said shoving you towards the bathroom.

"Yeah yeah," you muttered rolling your eyes at him.

Once you had had a shower and your hair was, well, presentable you grabbed at a pair of jeans and a random top. Whatever top it was didn't really matter since well you were going to wear a sweater over the top anyway. Pulling on some socks and boots you have yourself one last look in the mirror before nodding and walking out to where Eren was waiting.

"Presentable." He said upon seeing you.

"Exactly." You replied before exiting your house.

Once you had entered the shops with Eren you finally asked him what had been on your mind the entire trip there. "What are we doing?" You blurted out.

"Oh nothing I thought we'd just walk around for the sake of old times." Eren said grinning.

You didn't believe him.

Raising an eyebrow you said, "mmmm hmm old times eh? Why do I find that so unbelievable."

"Because it's so true."

"That's highly unlikely."

"I am shocked you have no faith in me."

"Oh no you didn't realise this earlier? Such a shame."

"Oh look just the person I wanted to meet."


"Ohhhhh Armin~" Eren called out in a sing song voice to the blonde.

"You did not!" You hissed at Eren.

"Oh yes I did~" Eren replied cheerfully.

Before you could say another word to Eren Armin was standing in front of you both smiling uncomfortably realising he had interrupted some sort of argument.

"Hey Eren, hey (Y/N)," Armin said giving Eren some sort of look. Eren just laughed and grinned.

"Now that we're all here I would like to guide us in the direction of the food court because I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry."

Laughing you and Armin both followed Eren's bustling form on your way to the food courts. After you had grabbed something to eat you visited various shops, it wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be and you actually enjoyed yourself a lot more then expected.

"Don't you think Professor Hanji is crazy?" Eren asked you and Armin.

"Yeah I guess," you said shrugging.

"I think her ideas and theories are interesting," Armin said smiling softly.

"If you say so." Eren said putting his arms behind his head.

"I think that string of fate thing was cool..." you said softly.

"Yeah that was pretty cool." Eren said.

"I thought that was interesting something different was nice as well." Armin said inputting to the conversation.

Your vision begin to blur as you stared at the tiled floor in front of you.

"Hey guys is it just me or did everything blur?" you said feeling a little faint.

"Maybe your vision is just swimming or your tired?" Eren suggested.

"Are you okay?" Armin asked you

You staggered a bit rubbing your head a little, "I'm fine." You murmured trying to reassure him, so far it wasn't working. You staggered once more before falling into someone's arms and everything went black


"Hey, what happened to Eren?" You whispered to Armin. The vibe so once full of hope around Eren had disappeared and been replaced with one of hatred.

Armin looked at you then at the floor once more, "His.... his mum g-got... and he s-saw.. I-it..." Armin said his voice shaking and his hands clenched together.

Flashes of blood and a ton limbs clouded your vision, massive beasts with weird expressions were everywhere.

Surrounding you.




Until a hand reached from the darkness and pulled you back into the light.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Someone frantically said, their voice was too far away however and unable to reach out and grab ahold of it you once more succumbed to the darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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