Dadirri // Horizon

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I gaze across the sea and watch the waters lick at the fallen Sun, birds flying above with soft cries and coos, as the pink-tinted sky envelops them in a warm, welcome hug- I feel like I'm staring at something so personal to nature, like I'm not supposed to be watching something so raw and passionate, a live painting formed in front of my very eyes.

I wonder if I will ever witness something like this again, or if human tyranny will destroy it; blasting it to its death.

I wonder if the clouds will ever dance the same way, or if the Sun will shine with as much colour.

I wonder if someone else is watching this private show, another pair of eyes completely transfixed.

I wonder who the eyes belong to; perhaps some sort of artist, painting or finding the perfect angle in a furious effort to capture the innocence and tranquility of the idea of simplicity. Perhaps it's a child trying to mirror the waters, begging to lick the beckoning ball of fire. Or perhaps it's someone like me, a sad, lonely, individual- observing Mother Nature's magic, waiting for something as beautiful to enter their lives.

But if there's anything I know about that person on the other side, it's that they have a story too, a journey begging to be written, an odyssey ready to sail, if there's anything I know about that person on the other side, it's that they're breathing, existing in this world, but if they're living the life that they've been given, who knows?

If there's anything I know about the person on the other side, it's that we're both watching the same Sun light the darkness, the same birds singing sweet songs, the same ocean swallowing the Sun.

We're breathing the same air,

walking on the same earth,

speaking the same tongue,

drowning the same demons.

We are all connected in the spirits of nature, because we are all one and everything in each other, and I think that's the most important lesson to learn in life- to understand life in its purest forms.

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