Aeternum // Eternity

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On average, we spend 30% of our lives asleep, 15% sat behind a desk, 25% at work. But we have that extra 30% of freedom, to find an answer- but no one knows what the question is.

But then again, those are just numbers. So let me explain this in a better way...

You could waste it away on drugs, alcohol, dead-beat parties and sleeping the hangovers away. Or, you can turn that 30% into forever.

Do you know why artists like Shakespeare, Dali, and Gogh are still alive in our reckless world? Because they made art from their passion, and it echoes through the ages.


They took the very essence of their lives, to fuel an engine that flies through the twists and turns of epochs. In our hearts we feel a resounding relation to the words of ink on parchment, and soft strokes on canvas because it's made of us, made of human angst and joy all on the tip of a pen.

You can do that too. But it doesn't have to be a pen, or a brush. It can be anything because you are the driver of your own engine.

Find a passion. Sports? Art? Dancing? Science? History? Whatever it may be, let your mark be known.

Though, let this be a warning. Anyone, can leave a mark on this earth, but the real question is- can you make it deep enough that it scorches through the soil of our flesh? That it embeds itself into the huge web of emotion that one cannot live without?

Ambitious, a dreamer, unrealistic- call it whatever, but if you want to live forever, then offer your gifts to Mother Nature, and she'll let it grow taller than Jack's beanstalk.

- in response to the young man who sarcastically called me ambitious for wanting to go to Cambridge. Let me tell you something darlings: there is nothing wrong with wanting something with all your heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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