Chapter 1 street life

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The street life. Some love it some hate. Well I max Taylor love it. I live for it. I'll do anything just to get the rush of adrenaline when fighting or racing.

People stay it unsafe, and that young girls should not get mixed up with all that kind of stuff. Then their is the people that say you only live once try something new live while you still can. I go with the those people. Who stay if you don't try anything you aren't living you are just breathing.

Clear blue eyes. Blue short hair cut to look like a comb over but with a feminine look to it. Three ear piercing in my right ear and four in my left. A little tattoo on my wrist saying "fight till the end," with a little skull beside it. Ripped skinny jeans. crop tops saying "fxck off" or "go to hell" rings on most fingers. Black combat boots or knee high converse boots. A big mouth way to big for my own good that gets me in trouble. And leather jackets.

This is me. Max Taylor. Nothing more nothing less. Some people use the words "bad ass girl" to describe me. I don't mind cause I like to think of my self like that.

I may be involved with street racing and fighting but that doesn't make me a mean ass bitch. It makes me me and I like it like that. I have a short temper and big mouth. But that makes me me. Their are people that hate me and there is people that want to be me.

Their is certain people I let in my life and others I just shut out completely. Then their is people that I hate and they hate me. Their is a good side to me and a side you don't want to see

People I hate are people you don't want to be. Some people think it's fun to have a enemy. It isn't. You have to protect the people you love. Be on guard at all times don't let random things break you. Be strong at all times. And don't ever look down and admit defeat.

Be the undefeated. Don't let anyone bet you. Always look up even though the toughest times never let your Gard down.

This is what I do everyday. What max Taylor does everyday. Without a care in the world.


First chapter. Yay! This chapter mainly just says what max does everyday and what she looks like the next chapter will be longer with talking. Yay! You get to meet everyone. *does happy dance*

Up top is max she has the first hair cut just with the blue from the second.

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