part 3

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I was working at Walmart for bout a year that and hustling start making my pockets fat so just me and queen it was straight. We ain't had no kids just our self. And that's how I liked it. Don't get me wrong I wanted kids but shit at the time with streets and queen that's all I could handle. I stayed up about $50,000 and went and went to talk to my Mexican friend I grew up with."Omg bae wtf." She looked at me jump out a royal blue BMW coupe with a red bow on top. "Bae where did you get the money for this." "Don't worry bout that get in." She jumped in the driver seat and drove off. As we enter the freeway she looked at me with a puzzled look and start tearing up."What's wrong beautiful?" "I just feel bad for always accusing you of shit when everything is so right...why did you buy this for me?" "Cause a Queen is meant to drive in luxury." I didn't lie I love queen with all of my heart but being a street nigga it comes with a lot like women ,drugs,money,and a whole lot of enmeys. And queen was with me thru it all and at the end of the day she will be my one and only. I would do any thing for queen and she knew that and that's why I think she stood right there with me through thick and thin."So bae where we going ?" "We going by Tiny house I got to show her my new whip." Fuck this bitch always got to be in on everything. I hated that slut but, I sucked it up and put a smile on my face like I said I'll do any thing for Queen. We pulled up to Tiny apartment."I think I found a real nigga he handling his business." Queen was singing along to the tink c.d I put in her c.d player before she got in no matter how tired of tink I was I didn't mind cause wanted her to enjoy every moment of her day. Queen was going thru a rough time with her family so I couldnt let my bae be down I had to make some shake. Tiny walked out with some house shoes, a bonnet and a long big as shirt look like she got out the big and tall section of Walmart. She was the total opposite of queen she was light skinned about 6'0 and a very ghetto attitude. She had twins Jeremy and Jerome they pops was a big dope dealer in west end he got shot not to long ago so Tiny was raising them alone in a two bedroom apartment. She was constantly looking for love in all the wrong places. And I guessed one day she woke up and wanted to be with a female lol smh. The other day I over heard queen talking to her on the phone bout some stud she met at kings wings,end up she ain't want to talk to her cause she stayed at homes with her moms. I just feel like you got to start from somewhere; long as the motherfucker got a job and trying to get out I don't see nun wrong with it." Guhhh this shit is bad!!" "Ain't it bitch my bae got this for me." Queen said to Tiny, smiling ear from ear. "Forreal guh you fin to to have all all these bitches hating on you. Hey Ray." "What up Tiny." " You always spoiling that girl ain't it." "Hell yea you no I love that girl." I reached over and tongue kissed Queen. I seen Tiny roll her eyes in parthium. "Stop Ray you trying to get to get it ain't it?" "Guh Tiny I'm bout go I'm hit you up later we going to airport lounge tonight."

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