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(edited 07/24/19)

Chapter Two

I waited until after take off to talk to Drake more. Planes make me a little nervous, so I spent time gripping the arm rests.

"Okay, okay, so you're dad works with my dad?" I finally ask him as Drake rummages around in a backpack.

"Yeah. You never met him?" Drake asks, taking a bite of an Oreo. He offers me one without a word and I gladly take one.

"Nope. I try not to get involved with my dad's work. It means those boring parties." I say, licking some frosting from my Oreo. "Why do you have a pack of Oreos in your bag anyways?" I look at Drake. As the plane ride went on, and we talked more, Drake decided to move to the middle seat.

"I can never go on a plane ride without Oreos." He smiles, showing me his black stained teeth. I wrinkle my nose.

"You're gross."

"But I made you smile." He points at me.

"I didn't smile." I say, but pause a little. Did I smile?

"Uh-huh. Anyways-"

The seatbelt lights flash above us loudly before a voice comes on, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, looks like we will be experiencing a bit of turbulence. We are going through a storm over the Atlantic Ocean. It's going to be bumpy, so please stay in your seats and put on your seat belts."

I look over at Drake feeling a little bit nervous. I'm glad he decided to sit next to me. "Why don't they turn around?" I ask, putting my Oreo down, not feeling hungry anymore. I kind of feel like throwing up, now.

"You know, that's what I was wondering." Right after Drake said that, the plane started to bounce around a little. I could hear people murmuring and gasping from the rows behind us.

"Drake..." My voice was shaky. My hands were gripping the arm rests again. I didn't know where to look so I closed my eyes. Drake didn't say anything; he just took my hand into his. And although he didn't say anything, holding my hand just made me feel safe.

It kept getting bumpier and bumpier as we went along. And as it got bumpier, my grip on Drake's hand got harder and harder. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to let go of my hand. I open my eyes and see that both of our knuckles were starting to look a little pale.

"Am I hurting your hand?" I ask, looking at him. He looks so calm, especially sitting next to me. He shakes his head and gave my hand a comforting squeeze, "Nope. It's all good. Don't worry. Is this your first time riding a plane?"

"No, I've rode plenty. This is just my first time on a 'normal' plane." I tried explaining.

"Oh, gotcha." He smiles. And then I smile back. I felt like everything was going to be okay. Nothing was going to happen. We're going to make it. Just because he was holding my hand and smile at me. It's exactly what I need in this moment.

Just when I thought everything was fine, breathing masks fell in front of our faces and the pilot spoke to us from the speaker again, but the only thing I could make out was, "Our left wing has been struck by lightning, prepare for a crash landing."

Those were the last words I remember hearing.


"Miranda! Miranda! Wake up. Wake up!"

I groaned. Whoever is shaking me really needs to stop. My body hurts all over and this shaking is not helping me. "Ugh. Stop shaking me." I say. It almost hurts to speak.

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