Bloody Painter 2: Age 10 Story- On the Snow

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Helen is 10 years old. He is a cheerful child who has a lot of friends. Like other children, games and laughter is everything to him.

His best friend, Phil, often visits Helen's home to play with him. Helen's parents are always busy with work, his father often travels for several months, and his mother always returns home at midnight.

Compared to the others, Phil is a more mature kid. Both he and Helen enjoy drawing. But Phil's drawing is always negative and creepy graffiti. He said it was a sort of venting, and it makes him feel better.

On a snowy day, Phil, as usual, took his drawing bag and goes to Helen's home. Helen opened the heating and welcomed him in. Although it is winter, the heating in the room makes Phil feel warm.

"You're sweating! Take off your coat, I'll hang it somewhere." Helen says, as he sees Phil sweating everywhere.

Phil hesitates for a few seconds. "No,thanks." he shakes his head.

Helen rushes forward to pull Phil's coat sleeves, and sees his wrists covered in bruises.

"Is it your father? Did he get drunk again?" Helen asks worriedly. Phil lowers his head, but doesn't respond to Helen's question.

"Come to the bathroom. I'll help you put on analgesic cream, " Helen says. They entered the bathroom, and Phil took off his coat. His neck and back are full of bruises. Helen's hands rub the salve on his back. Helen cannot imagine how Phil's father treats him.

Phil's father is a drunkard. He was violent to his wife and child. Phil's mother couldn't endure it anymore, so she left the family. After then, his mother remarried, and lived a happy life. Occasionally, she would bring some gift to Phil. His father complained about this. He distorted the truth, pushing all blame to Phil's mother.

"You should stay away from him, he isn't fit to be your father" Helen says.

"I know that, but I don't know what to do. We're just children," Phil says.

"I just don't want you hurt."

Phil goes silent for a few seconds, and replies, "Things will get better.....right?" He smiles bitterly.

Helen doesn't understand why Phil doesn't fight back, and why he always pretend nothing happened in front of everyone else, even if it's something severe.

One morning, Phil wakes up before his father does, and prepares to go to Helen's house. He puts on his shoes, walks out, and after walking for a few steps he sees someone waving to him.

"Phil, my dear. It's mom!" Phil's mother calls out. Phil rushes to her for her a hug.

"I bought new clothes for you, it's cold in the winter, please remember to wear warm clothes," His mother carried bags full of new clothes, toys, watercolor and pastel, as well as her caring words. Being able to meet his mother is the happiest thing for Phil.

After chatting with him for a while, she prepares to leave.

"Mom, can't you stay with me for a little longer?"Phil says.

"I'm sorry, dear. My husband is waiting for me in the car." His mother leaves the gifts to Phil , and proceeds to the car.

Phil picks up the gifts, proceeds to the park, and sits on the snow and gaze at the sky; he doesn't know what to do. Once, when he took the gifts back home, his father was very angry with him and he threw the gifts into the fireplace to burn them. He doesn't want this to happen again.

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