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  In order to protect the privacy of the relevant people and the victims, in the following article, except the murderer, the rest of the people's name has been changed.

The details of the story has arranged a little to make it smooth, but I will try to tell the whole story in this article.


"Mister Helen Otis?" I called out the boy that sit in front of me, but he didn't reply.

He is wearing a light blue patient robe, he has deep dark circles under his eyes, messy jet black hair, and his skin is pale as a paper. His gaze look straight at me, like how a predator would stare at its prey.

I am a psychiatrist, and it is my job to interview patients. He came here for some time now, but I did not see him communicate with other patients, he always stayed in the corner of the room. Needless to say, he is an eccentric child.

This is a judicial psychiatric hospital, the only difference between this place and the asylum hospital is that we treat patients with a criminal record. To prevent the patients from going haywire.

His silence made no progress in the interview. "Did you know this?" I pull out a picture in front of him, a black-rimmed glasses on the road, this is his crime case.

He stared at the picture, then speak softly, "Is from my best friend."

"Do you want to talk about it? "I asked but he just staring at me without a single word.

"Look, since you came here, things have not made any progress. If you can talk anything about it, then just tell me about it, please." After I finish my plead, he sigh and started to talk, "Is rather a long story..."

His story is about a very quiet teen in the class who was framed by stealing the class very popular person's watch, then in exchange for long-term brutal group bullying. He and one of the student named Tom became friends, but also later found that his friend framed himself. They argue at the rooftop but after a few pushes, Tom accidentally falls to his death. This is the photo is Tom's glasses when he fall.

"I tried to save him, I tried to pull him up, but he let go of my hand, I don't know what was he thinking that time." He finished his story, then looked down at his hands, seems to be thinking about something. He looks anxious from thinking back the memories.

Actually, before he even talk about his story, I already knew about this. The patient who sent here, their case are recorded in the file. Intrigue cases in school is very common for very much like the teens like Otis himself. Often time has passed, things will be past and forgotten. But in this common- intrigue-school-life exchange a boy who called Tom's death. Maybe that's why this is why Helen can't forget the past or forgive himself forever, after this. 

"What happened after that?" I continued my question, at least we are progressing now. He answered, "After Tom's deceased, Halloween is around the corner, and the school had a Halloween party, and everyone had to dress up to participate the party. I prepared a mask one night before the event, I was tired that time so I went for a nap ... and then ... I am here. "

In the file stated that he killed 17 people that night, no one knows how he do it, we don't rule the fact he got a helper involved.

"Do you remember what happened in the middle? Any details?" I asked. But he shook his head and then continued to look down at his fingers, "Doctor, why am I here?" He asked quietly.
"You will be here, is because you are sick." I answered, he raise his head in respond. "Come on, you are only 14 years old, your future still very bright. "I gave him a patient smile, hoping to cheer him up. I want to let him know that I am a friend here, not an enemy to him.

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