Mystery Person

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I got off the bed to see who it was and my fears were confirmed. I stood there, not knowing what to say.

"You alright honey?" Charlie asked me.

I couldn't reply. She was stood there, pizza box in hand, smirking at me.

"Hello Beth."

"You two know each other?" Charlie asked, shell-shocked.

"Yeah. Um, Ch-Ch-Charlie, this is-"

Beth's POV

"Um, Charlie, this is my-my m-mum." I stuttered.

"What?!" Charlie asked, sounding both surprised and angry.

"This is my mum." I repeated.

"So, bitch, who's this then?" My 'mum' asked me.

"Don't call her a bitch!" Charlie yelled, his fists clenched.

"And what's it to you?" She asked Charlie.

"I'm her husband." Charlie replied.

"Are you indeed? Why would you want to marry her?!" My mum said, looking at me in disgust.

"Why would I want to marry her? Because she's beautiful, funny and kind - something that you'll never be."

"Oh really? Well, sunshine, do you remember the saying 'to know how a girl will look like when she's older, look at her mother?" Charlie nodded his head, cautiously. "Well, remember that saying. Because she'll turn out like me one day."

"No she won't. Because she's perfect. Also, that saying is only on about looks, not personality. And I know that she'll never turn out like you."

"What's wrong with turning out like me?"

"Because you gave her a shit life. A life that nobody deserves. I'm surprised she even calls you mum, because you don't deserve to be called that."

"I'm a great mum."

Charlie was just about to say something when I butted in. "No you're not. You were to Harry when he was growing up. But not me. Neither of us want anything to do with you. I doubt you even realised I'd gone five years ago." I was pretty overwhelmed with my sudden confidence. I guess it must be the adrenaline.

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. Who cares?"

"Not you." I mumbled.

"What was that?" She questioned.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Where have you been the past five years anyway?" She asked.

"She doesn't have to answer to you. She never has to answer to you again. You lost the right to be her mum since the moment she was born. She had a shit life up until she was 15. Once Harry took her, her life turned around for the better." Charlie answered for me.

While they were arguing, I was on the phone to the police. I explained to them what was going on and what had happened all those years ago. They said they'd be about five minutes. Hopefully she'll still be here then, is something that I never thought I'd say. But I guess there's a first time for everything. I just have to try and keep her here until the police arrive.

"You know what, I tried my best to look after you. Your father walked out on you but I didn't. You're on about me being a crap mother when at the end of the day, I never walked out on you."

"Yeah but that still doesn't explain all those things you did to me. Locking me up in the attic with no food for a week. How is that being a great mother?"

"I did those things because you were worthless then and you're worthless now. Harry has a great voice and made me money. You on the other hand have a shit voice and haven't made any money."

"If I have such a shit voice then how come I'm signed to Syco? Simon doesn't just sign anybody to his label. That's why Harry and the lads are signed to it. And Charlie."

Charlie came up to me and put his arm around my waist and his hand on my tummy and started rubbing it lightly. All of this stress can not be good for the baby. Even at this early stage.

I think 'mum' noticed something was up when she kept on looking at Charlie's hand.

"Why does he keep on rubbing your tummy?" She asked me.

"Because-" I was interrupted by Charlie.

"No, babe. She doesn't need to know."

I carried on regardless. "I'm pregnant. This would be your first grandchild but you're not aloud anywhere near it."

"Why not? I have a right as a grandparent to see their grandchild don't I? And if I don't get to see it, then no one else can either."

She started running towards me and lifted her arm slightly with her fist clenched. I knew what was coming. Charlie had stepped in front on me but she pushed him out the way.

Just as she did that, two police men entered and took her away before she could do anything.

"I'll be back." She screamed.

The third police officer came up to me. "She won't, don't worry. With what she's done, she's going to be here for a long time."

I thanked him as he left the room and it was just me and Charlie. He pulled me in for a hug and held me close. As we were both in shock, we were both breathing heavily.

"I'm proud of how you dealt with her baby." I told Charlie, seeings as he's never met my mum, in fact anyone in my family before. Only Harry.

"I'm proud of you too. That must of bought back a lot of memories."

I nodded against his shoulder as we just stood there and hugged.

"How about we get into bed and watch Netflix with no chill?" Charlie asked me.

"Netflix and no chill sounds great." I agreed.

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