12 Weeks

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Beth's POV

Today me and Charlie are going for my twelve week scan. I'm kind of nervous. But most of those nerves is because today's the day that we're telling our fans.

So far they haven't suspected a thing. I think we're quite lucky because most celebrities' fans know if something's happening straight away; especially if that celebrity is pregnant. But they haven't suspected a thing about it for us which is good.

Charlie is driving us to the hospital in the Aston Martin I bought him as a wedding present. It's the one he had hired for our wedding. He currently has two women in his life; me and the car. But as long as he's happy, I'm happy. And this baby is (hopefully) going to bring us more happiness.

We got to the hospital and I took a deep breath. "You ready, babe?" Charlie asked me.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied, and we made our way into the hospital and went to reception.

"Hi, I'm Beth Lenehan, here for my 12 week scan." I said to the receptionist.

"K, just take a seat and someone will be with you in a bit." The receptionist said.

I didn't like the look of that receptionist. Talk about service with a smile! Her face was caked in so much foundation to the point where she looked like an umpa lumpa and because she had so much dark eyeshadow, eye-liner and mascara on, she looked like she had panda eyes.

As if he was reading my mind, Charlie started making some jokes about her. I can't actually repeat any of them. But they were really funny and I was almost dying of laugher. Down side of that is, I couldn't laugh out loud so it was silent laughter which was ten times worse.

Anyway, to continue with my description of the receptionist, she had a very dark fake tan on and some long fake nails. She had been looking through a magazine the whole time and only looked up from it to check her computer when someone walked in.

"Mrs Lenehan?" A midwife, presumably mine, called.

Me and Charlie got up and walked towards her and followed her into the room.

"Hello, I'm Steph and I'm going to be your midwife. You must be Beth?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I said and shook her hand.

"And I'm guessing your the baby's father?" She asked Charlie.

"Yeah. I'm Charlie." He replied and shook Steph's hand.

"Right then. Beth, would you mind lying down on the bed for me please?"


"Now, this gel is going to feel a bit cold at first." She said as she put the gel on my tummy.

Charlie sat on the seat next to my bed and took my hand in his and squeezed it gently.

Steph started smiling and turned the screen around to face us. "Here's your baby." She said, smiling.

She then started pointing out the various other parts of the baby, it's head, arms and legs. "Would you like to find out the gender of the baby?"

"Yes please." Charlie said.

We'd discussed it earlier and we had decided that if we were asked, we would find out the babies gender. There's part of me that wanted to leave it as a surprise as it's just so much easier when buying clothes and decorating the babies room. We also agreed to tell the fans the gender today so that nothing is left in the dark.

"It's a girl!" Steph told us.

I can't believe we're going to have a girl! I've always wanted my first child to be a girl for some reason.

"Oh my god!" Charlie said, looking genuinely happy.

"Would you like a photo of the scan?" She asked us.

"Yes please." We both said as she walked out of the room.

Charlie kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to have two baby girls!" Charlie exclaimed.

Just then, Steph came back into the room and handed us each a copy of the baby.

"You'll need to book another scan for in four weeks time. Here's my number in case you have any questions, please don't be afraid to call."

"Okay. Thanks for all your help." I said to Steph and hugged her.

We then went and booked a scan with the receptionist. Luckily the one from earlier had gone on her break so it was a nicer one. Then we went back home.

"Right, you ready to tell the fans then?" Charlie asked me.

"Yeah." I replied.

@/bethlenehan2000 (I changed my user name) ~ guys, me and Charlie have an announcement. Go over to @/barsandmelody twitter page now to find out what.

Charlie took a picture of me with the scan next to my face. Moments later I saw I got tagged in his tweet.

@/barsandmelody ~ my two baby girls 👶💞😘

@/bethlenehan2000 ~ that's right guys. I'm pregnant 💖👶🙈🙊

We then turned our phones off and lay in bed. We knew that we get loads of notifications coming through so had to turn our phones off. We'd also had to warn Leo about it as well.

"Two baby girls?" I asked Charlie.

"Yep. You. And mini you." He's so sweet.

"I know." I said and placed me hand over my very small baby bump.

Charlie placed his hand over mine and intertwined our fingers together.

"I love you." I said to Charlie.

"I love you both too." He replied.

And with that, we both fell asleep with my hand on my tummy and his hand over mine with my head lay on his shoulder.

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