Chapter Three

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"Dude I beat you again."I told laughing at Kabir.Its been past an hour and a half of us playing play station,I mean me and Kabir.In the beginning Kabir was winning but then after two games I got the nake of the game and since then it's me who's winning.
"It's not fair.You knew how to play this game you were just acting, right in the beginning."Kabir told making a crying face.
"Dude I never played this game in my life.So how will I know how to play?"I was starting a new game.Anyway we are playing some boxing game.
"What's going on here??"Sam came back after cleaning the kitchen,a room and then having a shower.She looked cute with wet hair.
"Oh nothing your brother is just loosing royally."I told messing his hair.Sam just smiled
"I can't believe your my sister Sameera."Kabir told in an annoyed tone.
"Okay Aman shut up stop making fun of my baby brother.okay."she told taking the remote controller from him."Okay let me play and you choose which game you wanna play I bet you won't even win by fluke."she gave a wicked smile.
"Ya you can't win against her.She is like the God of these games.So I advise choose something in which your too good."Kabir came and sat beside me.
"Oh okay so I choose the car racing.No one could ever defeat me in it and I don't think you can too."i told giving the same wicked smile.
"Okay so let's decide the prices.Okay?"I nod"So if I win you buy me ice cream after dinner okay and if you win you buy me ice cream okay.Deal?" I nod and was about shake the hand when I realise what she told.
"Ey even if you loose why should I buy ice cream for you?"and there she goes again with her laughing.
"Okay you caught me.So if you win whatever you want I'll do or buy okay.Now deal?"she held her hand out and we shake.
"So let's start and am in Aman's team."Kabir told while putting the video game.

"Okay.You know what I just give up."I told loosing for the fifth time by Sameera.So after Kabir started the game I and Sameera  started playing.Beginning of the game she was loosing but as game proceeded she was leading and won the first game and the second game and the third game in short all the five games.Kabir was right  Sameera is like the God of these games.
"Told you,you can't win against her."Kabir patted my shoulder while Sameera was doing the victory dance.
"So you two.."she pointed towards us,I mean Kabir and me "...are going to buy me ice cream after dinner got it."she was still dancing.
"You told if he looses he should buy you ice cream, not me."Kabir told closing the play station.
"Ya baby brother but you choose to be in his team so it's like you both lost so you both should buy me ice cream."she told messing his hair and Kabir groans and whispers "Why did I choose his side now my pocket money is gone."and gives a annoyed look to me.
"Sorry bud,thought I would win chill I'll pay your share too."I told looking at the watch it's 9:00.
"It's okay Aman I guess I'll just pay for my share and any way she will give me cash later if I need."he told packing the play station.
"Okay as you like.I need to go now so meet you after dinner okay for the ice cream."I told walking towards the door and opening it.
"Aman where you think your going?"Sameera comes catching three plates with fork in it.
"Home for dinner I'll be back for the ice cream."I told smiling.
"You can have here I made for you too."she told getting noodles in a bowl "...and anyway can't trust you.What if you don't come back for ice cream."she told laughing.
I thought for sometime.There's nothing at home cooked and even Nida isn't home so am all alone and it's kinda depressing eating alone.
"Unless someone is waiting for you at your home."Kabir told winking at me and Sameera saw me with a poker face.
"Ohh no no no it's just that I normally eat dinner with my sis and Roh."I told getting what Kabir told.
"Oh and where is she now?"Sam asked serving me.It smells good,I mean the food.
"She is at my aunts house,my cousin is getting married so she is staying there till the marriage is over."I told taking the chicken from the plate offered by Kabir.
"Okay."both brother and sister tell and start eating.During the dinner we talk about random stuff like the upcoming movies,about mine and Sameera's Coll etc.And I came know that Sameera is huge fan of batman and loves playing football but never likes watch the football matches on TV.She finds it boring,just watching them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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