Beauty and the Player ~1

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I watched as my best friend Gabriel hugged his girlfriend and gave her a sweet peck on the lips before leaving into the student parking lot. In my head all I thought was, "ugh". Relationships are for dumb-asses, but if my best friend liked this girl--then I'd have to deal with her. Although, personally I hated her with a passion.

My name is Adrian James, I'm 17 and I'm a senior in high school. I'm about 5 foot 2, light-skinned, hair that reaches a little past my shoulders, and pretty light brown eyes. I'm not conceited but I know I'm gorgeous.

I've been in one relationship and that was when I was a freshman. This might catch you by surprise but, my boyfriend was Gabriel. Yes, the tall,skinny, light-skinned, curly-headed boy that is now my best friend. We decided relationships just weren't for us. Obviously, that didn't last long for him seeing that he had been in a relationship with Kali Moore for 3 months now.

As we got in Gabriel's car, I let out a frustrated sigh, trying to get him to ask me what was wrong. He did nothing except put on his seat-belt, stick the key in the ignition, start the car, and turn up the radio. I quickly turned the radio down and gave him another frustrated sigh. Only this time I made my eyes wide and looked straight at him to make it beyond obvious.

"What?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Prom is around the corner."

"Okay?" he said sounding confused, "and you're upset about that why?"

"Because I still don't have a damn date!" I shouted.

"I thought you said you were sure Dee was asking you." he said as he began to finally back out and leave the parking lot.

"I thought he was, I guess not. He's going with that new girl."

Gabriel didn't say anything. I was guessing he felt bad for me so I hurried and tried to change the subject off of me.

"So what color is Kali's dress?" I asked grinding my teeth at the sound of her name coming out of my mouth.

"It's a peach color." he said blankly.

"You get your tux yet?" I asked.

"Nah, moms said I should wait until the say Friday so I only had to pay one day rental."

"Oh." I said, apparently ending the conversation. He turned up the radio and started nodding his head to a Drake song.

It took him about 20 minutes to get to my house. He pulled to the side of the curb by my mailbox to drop me off.

"I'll talk to you later" I said as I got out the car.

Gabriel didn't say anything. He just put up the peace sign and drove off.

I checked the mail before I went into my empty, quiet house. I lived with my Mom and I was an only child. I was often lonely due to the fact that my mom was always out handling her lawyer duties. At least it brought the money home. That's why I was so spoiled. I had a car but I liked to ride to school with Gabriel to save gas...selfish, I know.

I went into the kitchen to find an after school snack because I was beyond hungry. I pulled out a bag of combination flavored pizza rolls and popped them in the microwave. It was nasty like that but I was hungry so I couldn't care less.

I grabbed my plate of pizza rolls and some Hawaiian fruit punch and went to the living room. i turned on the TV and started watching whatever Disney channel show was on. Yeah I still watch Disney, don't judge me.

My phone started going off and I saw that my busy ass mom was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" she asked.

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