Beauty and the Player ~4

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My phone alarm went off waking me up for school. I hit the dismiss button and got up. rubbing my eyes trying to open my eyes up all the way.

I noticed I had a text from Dee...he was just saying good morning. I said it back and got up to get ready for the school day.

It was a sweat pants, hair tied, no make up on type of day. I got in the shower and washed up. Got out, threw on some black sweats and a Drake t-shirt and my brown moccasins and called it a day.

I looked a mess but I didn't care.

I went down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, there wasn't really anything to eat.

I decided that if I left soon enough I could stop my McDonalds and get a breakfast sandwich or something.

20 minutes later I had my Love Pink bag and my car keys ready to walk out the door. I realized I forgot my cell phone so I ran back upstairs to my room. On my way up the stairs, I tripped and fell right back down.

I landed on my arm. I burst out into tears screaming. The pain was beyond excruciating.

My mom came running out of her room and down the stairs to check on me. She kept trying to ask me what happened but my arm hurt so back I couldn't even talk.

She helped me up and sat me on the couch.

"Honey, are you okay?" she asked grabbing my arm.

I guess by now she realized something was really wrong. She ran up to her room and grabbed something quick to put on and next thing I knew we were on our way to the ER.

When we got there, I got to a doctor quickly.

After they got me all calm and chill, I finally explained to my mom, and the doctor, what had happened.

"I was running back up the stairs because I left my phone and I tripped up the stairs and fell back down."

I started giggling thinking about it. Now that the pain was better, it was kind of funny.

Just then there was a knock on the door. A doctor walked in with some X-Ray pictures.

"Well it's broke." he said showing me and my mom the photos.

"Oh honey!" my mom said grabbing the photos out of the doctor's hands.

"Mom, I'm okay." I said, laughing at her facial expression.

"We're gonna get you all wrapped up and get you some medicine to keep the pain under control." the doctor told me.

"Okay thanks."

20 minutes later another doctor came in.

I felt like he was flirting with me the whole time he wrapped my arm up.

He kept winking and smiling at me.

I'm not gonna lie, he was cute. But no thank you.

We were out of the hospital about an hour later. My arm was all wrapped up and wearing an arm cast.

I decided to skip school for the day and get some rest, I was tired.

"Wanna stop at the store to get you some cute tape for that cast?" my mom asked.

"Heck yeah." I said, if I was going to be in a cast, I at least wanted it to be cute.

We stopped at Walgreen's and bought some black and white zebra print tape.

I wrapped it all around my cast, it was cute.

When school was over I got a text from Dee, "Where were you today! :("

I texted him back and told him what happened. He found it funny, jerk.

He decided surprise me and stop by.

Even though my arm was broke, he didn't hold back of the rough housing.

We were in the living on the couch.

He play fought with me like I was his little brother or something.

"Ouch! Dee that seriously hurt." I said as I pushed him off of me slightly.

"I'm sorry. Want me to kiss it?" Dee pushed me back on the couch so that I was on my back, and he got on top of me.

"No." I said answering his question.

"Well then I'll just kiss you." He passionately started kissing me. I couldn't resist it. I loved every moment of it.

Every moment until my mom came through the front door

Dee jumped off of me quick as hell.

My mom's facial expression was blank.

When she finally reacted, I was shocked.

She burst out into laughter.

"Why do you guys look like you just seen Casper the ghost?" she asked, still laughing.

She walked over to Dee.

"You must be Adrian's boyfriend." she said.

"Yup. And you must be Adrian's sister?" he said, trying to be charming.

My mom laughed, "Oh Adrian, I like him already."

After I thought about it for a minute, I realized that Dee told my mom he was my boyfriend.

My mom walked into her bedroom to set down her things.

"Dee, why did you lie to my mom, that's so disrespectful." I whispered with anger.

"I didn't really lie," Dee said rubbing my thigh, "You basically are."

"No!" I shouted, still in a whisper.

"Ah, hands off." My mom said as she walked back into the living room, "Come on, we have lots to talk about. You gotta pass the mom test." My mom said to Dee.

Dee got up with no hesitation. They went into the kitchen, it seemed like they were in there for forever.

I watched 3 episodes of Beyond Scared Straight, used the bathroom twice, and did a little homework.

I even started to doze off.

Finally, my mom and Dee came out laughing.

I looked up too see Dee standing over me with swinging his car keys around his fingers.

"Leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gotta go." He bent down and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before leaving.

It was weird. But I liked it.

"I like him." my mom said sitting next to me.

"Yeah, he's straight." I told her.

"He's funny too, and cute!" she added.

"Okay mom, why don't you just date him?" I said jokingly.

"No honey, he's all yours." she said putting her hands up in surrender playfully.

I smiled at the thought of Dee being "all mine".

"But I'm gonna get some rest baby, see you in the morning." my mom said as she got up and walked towards her room.

Before she went into the hallway she turned around, "Oh and it sweet of you to still accept Dee even though he has a baby girl, I don't think I could have done it." she laughed and finally left the room.

My heart started racing, 1 million different thoughts rushed through my head, and I was beyond mad.

Dee didn't tell me everything about him.

He didn't tell me he had a baby!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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