Beauty and the Player ~2

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HEY EVERYBODY! Okay so I'm working on writing longer chapters because my chapters always appear to be way too short. Therefore, I will not be uploading as quickly as I normally do. But anyway, tell me what you think about the book. Also, tell me what you think about "One Thing Leads to Another"! Read, Vote, and Comment! xoxo -Alexis

I walked over to where Gabe was dancing with Kali. The junior!

"What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Whoa, Adrian chill out." Gabe said.

"Last I checked, this was not your party." Kali said stepping towards me.

"Last I checked, your ugly ass wasn't a senior." I said stepping towards Kali.

By now we were face to face. I was just about ready to slap this piss out of her when Gabe grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What's the problem with you and Kali? You both act like yall can't stand each other."

"I can't stand that ugly ass rat." I shouted making sure that she could hear me.

She just gave me a dirty look and stuck up he middle finger.

"Why not? I thought you guys were cool." Gabe explained.

I pulled Gabe to the side so I could explain to her why I hated the rat without her interrupting.

Kali rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I've hated her ever since the first day of school. The bitch has a bad attitude."

"You don't even know her." Gabe said.

"You don't even know the situation." I snapped.

"Well tell me."

"I am if you would stop interrupting. On the first day of school, she wrote 'hoe' on my locker. I didn't know it was her until I noticed she was laughing when she passed by me one day and called me a hoe to my face. We got in a big argument or whatever and to this day I still don't know why she called me a hoe. I have no idea why she has a problem with me. The hoe is psycho." I explained.

"So you expect me to believe that she just randomly called you a hoe, for no apparent reason?" Gabe asked.

"You make it sound dumb, but yeah." I said.

He just walked away. Without even saying a word.

I followed him trying to get his attention but he kept ignoring me.

When he finally came to a stop, his jaw dropped. My jaw dropped.

This hoe Kali was making out with some random boy.

I giggled a little to myself. Bye bye Kali.

"Kali, what the fuck!" Gabe shouted.

Kali jumped and pushed the boy she was kissing away. Trying to look innocent.

"Gabey baby" she said walking towards him.

Gabe backed up and put his hand out signalling her to not come any further.

"Gabey? You don't unders-" Kali tried explaining herself but Gabe just turned around and power-walked away.

"Hoe." I said to Kali, then left to go find Gabe.

As I was walking around looking for him, I saw Dee. I tried walking past him not wanting him to see me but that was a fail.

"Adrian?" He got all in my face trying to see if it was me. I could tell he was drunk. I wasn't as drunk as I thought I was.

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