Chapter 7 - Smirks and Sarcasm

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Unlike other classes, the room we step into next is light and filled of buzzing energy, people were chatting to their friends and looking curiously at the mysterious creatures placed around the room, this is our last lesson; Defence against the dark arts. Most of the day past in a blur of new lessons and teachers, between the three of us we managed not to get lost again and arrived to classes on time. We slide into three worn wooden seats at the back of the room and place our now filled bags onto the cold stone floor. Professor Knightly looks around the room, smiles and says softly

"I think that's everyone here now."

Sitting at the back of the room is helpful, here I have a good view of the rest of the class, how they sit, what they are like. I notice how Hannah sits up strait with her hair covering most of her pale face, her shy personality obvious from the start. My eyes slowly scan the room of students looking for anyone interesting; we share this lesson with the Gryffindors which isn't too bad I guess. As I reach the far forward corner of the class I notice one Gryffindor girl sat leant back on her chair, rocking slightly on it with her arms crossed and a discreet smirk on her face. Lucas pokes me out of my day dream just as my name is called on the register

"Here sir." I say in a monotone voice

Silence fills the room as the last person announces themselves present and sir slips the parchment into his desk draw

"Welcome to your first D.A.D.A Lesson!" He says enthusiastically

"As many of you already know this class is a mandatory subject taught here, in which you will learn how to defend yourself against dark arts and dark creatures." He continues "This class is mandatory until your 5th year if you choose to take it for your N.E.W.T's, however back to the here and now today will be a practical lesson so books away and wands out!"

And excited murmur fills the room, a practical in our first lesson!

With a swish of his wand Professor Knightly sends all of the tables flying off to the side of the room with a gentle "thud"

"I will be putting you in partners" He says in an apologetic voice, I don't mind that much; It's nice to meet new people anyway

He pairs us up mixing Gryffindors and Ravenclaws , Boys and Girls, I could end up with anyone in the whole entire room but no, it had to be her.

"Sky Hartlli, you can go with...Naomi Harticks."

He says then moves onto the next pair, I look up and see the smirking girl from earlier,she has dark hair like me but it's shorter. Her eyes are a misty blue grey we are around the same height but she seems sort of intimidating. I shrug and walk over, first impressions aren't always right she could be really nice, I just get the feeling she already hates me..

Once we are all in pairs sir explains what we will be doing

"Right! Today I shall be teaching you the disarming charm "Expelliarmus", this charm forces your opponent to drop whatever they are holding, in most cases a wand. You used to learn this in your second year but I think you're all more than capable."

It took a good part of the lesson for us to learn the wand movements and to get the right pronunciation, although soon we were told to start practicing with our partners

"I'll go first then?" Asks Naomi, it's the first time I've heard her speak. I wouldn't put her down as a shy person, just quiet. Her voice is very bored sounding as she looks directly at me.

"I suppose..." I say as I pull out my wand and look at her, as she does the same. The smirk has grown as she looks at me and says quickly and flawlessly.

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