Chapter 7

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Connors POV

We got to the hospital and they rushed her to a room I texted Hayes
C-Hey they just brought Lacey to a room
H-That's great thanks again for doing this for her I'll tell Cam
C-no problem little bro
H-we are about to board the plane we should be there in about 6 hours
C-Ok see you then
H-oh and when she wakes up tell her all of us guys say we love her
C-will do bye Hayes
"Who is in charge of Lacey Dallas" the doctor asked "uh me I guess is there a problem" I said standing up "what do you mean I guess" the doctor asked "well she is our friend Cameron's little sister and he left her with me" I said "ok she is in a coma she will be waking up in 7 hours to 2 days" the doctor said "Trevor text Cameron" I told Trevor "visitors can come see her in about an hour" the doctor said and walked out

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