Chapter 15:part one

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Cameron's POV

I had a call from Kian "hold on babe let me take this" I said to Madison and walked to the other room
C-Cam K-Kian
C-what do you need
K-Lacey was right, you are a jerk, and an idiot YOUR SISTER WAS KIDNAPPED FOR PETES SAKE CAM
C-she's in her room LACEY COME DOW-
K-no Cameron she is at an abandoned fire station go have fun with your girlfriend if we get her alive I'm fighting for custody
-beep beep-
No no no no no no this isn't happening no no

I won't let anyone take her
I walked into the kitchen "get out" I said plainly "what?" Madison asked "YOU HEARD ME I DIDNT STUTTER" I screamed she got up and walked out I ran and got my keys and hoped in my car
Good thing I gave her a phone

Kians POV

She's fine we are gonna get her alive and I'm not gonna fight for custody I just wanted to scare him

Laceys POV

We sat in that room in complete darkness for about an hour until I saw head lights we jumped up and ran to the window
It wasn't Kian, the police, or Cameron
It was...

Don't worry guys I'm not gonna wait 3 weeks to update the other one is on the way and already finished
Thanks for reading I love you

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