Letter's Arrival

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Friday 9:30 Am.

The sound of the alarm echoed through the room.I had no other choice but to wake up.I let out a yawn as I stretched my arms.When I turned to look at the alarm clock, My eyes went wide.

Holly cow! it's nine thirty already?!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.Then slipped my clothes on as fast as I could. A pair of white sneakers, an orange tank top, and black shorts, then stopped for a moment to stare at the mirror. I quickly brushed my dark shoulder-length brown hair and tied it up in a ponytail. Then hurried downstairs, where my grandmother awaited with breakfast.
"Are you leaving already?" she asked.

"Yeah... Otherwise, Mrs. Holman would be mad at me" I said before shoving a slice of bread into my mouth.

Grandma sighed "Well, I'll see you at noon then"

I smiled at her and nodded "Yup".I replied, picking up my back pack from the floor."See ya!".I said before closing the door, then hopped on my bike and started pedaling towards Mrs.Holman's flower shop, which was just three blocks away from my house. I was working there part time to earn money to help my grandma pay for my tuition scholarship. We were not in a good economic situation, so I've always tried to help her as much as I could.

When I arrived at the shop.I found Mrs.Holman standing at the front door checking the mailbox.She was wearing a light pink apron with a green blouse underneath, jeans, a pair of boots that made her look taller and she had her long reddish hair tied up in a braid. I got off my bike and left it laying on the ground ."Morning Mrs. Holman" I said, smiling at the woman in front of me.

"Good morning Elizabeth" she replied with a warm smile adorning her face.

"You arrived just in time, I was about to open the shop" she said while closing the mailbox.She then hobbled towards the front door."Another minute and you would have been in serious trouble" she added, still grinning.

I gulped. I'm glad I made it in time.At first sight, Mrs.Holman seemed to be a nice, harmless lady, but when she gets angry she might even resemble the devil himself.

I made my way to the counter, placing my backpack on top and leaned against it,waiting for any further instructions.Mrs.Holman turned to look at me after she flipped the store's sign to from CLOSED to OPEN

"Listen Elizabeth, since Alex is currently on vacation, You'll have to take care of the costumers while I'm at the counter, okay?¨.

"Yes ma'am" I nodded . I was glad she didn't make me carry anything this time, unlike the other day, when she ordered me to arrange the flower pots, so I had to carry pots all around the shop for hours because she would always change her mind on where should they be placed.Geez, because of that, my body hurt all over for days!.

The clanging sound of the door bell rang as a new costumer walked in."Coming!"I said , walking toward the entrance. I helped the man choose some roses for his wife's birthday and that was pretty much all I did on and on with most of today's costumers. They had all come to buy flowers either for their lovers or their siblings.

When the last customer left the store Mrs.Holman , who was still sitting behind the counter, asked me to help her clean the store before I went back home. I had no other choice but to nod , grab a broom from the storage room and start sweeping the floor.

"So, Elizbeth, have you applied for any High School yet?" asked Mrs.Holman while wiping the windows with a cloth.

"Yeah, I actually have"

"Which ?"

"Eidon Music Academy"

She seemed a bit surprised after I told her about it."You mean, that super exclusive music academy in the city?!".

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