Chapter 3:Unexpected Meetings

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Monday, 7:00 am.

I ran through the dorm's hallway as I held my bag against my chest, hoping not to fall while rushing downstairs. Oh god, Adeline, why didn't she wake me up before going off or something?!.  I grunted as I ran.

"Mrs. Lovewood!! Don't run around the lobby!" The housemother shouted at me.

"I'm sorry!! I'm gonna be late!!", I shouted back as I ran out of the building.

After reaching the main structure, I stopped and took out the building's map. Let's see... Where is the room 201? I began to scan through it. There were so many rooms, but 201 wasn't  there. I flipped the paper and continued scanning it.There it is!!.

I began to run towards the stairs, trying not to fall. When I reached the second floor, I found myself standing in a hallway full of students. Geez, I won't be able to run here. I was making my way through the crowd when I accidentally bumped into someone, making the papers on his hands fall to the floor. Oh god.

"Hey!, Watch where you're going!" the boy said.

"I'm sorry!"

I knelt down and began to pick his things up. He knelt too and started to pick up some of his papers. I kept picking things up, avoiding to look at the boy. When we finished, I stood up and handed him his papers."Here.."I muttered as I looked up at him.

My heart began to pound hard against my chest. It can't be... His eyes were as blue as the sea, his hair was dark brown, almost black and his skin was so soft and white. He looked exactly like Colin Cross. The boy snatched the papers away from my hands and began to walk away without saying a word.

I impulsively grabbed him by the arm before he could walk any further."Colin?"I said. The expression on his face turned grim.

"You've got the wrong person", He shook my hand away and continued walking.

I stood there for a moment. My face burning red, my heart still pounding hard against my chest. I took a deep breath to cool myself down. Okay...That was embarrassing... On my defense, he did resemble Colin Cross... I sighed and continued making my way to room 201, where all of the A Class students were supposed to gather. Yes, I had been selected to be in the A Class, and fortunately, so had Adeline.

A few minutes later I was finally able to find the room. I walked in and began to look around. The classroom was quite big, it consisted of three rows of five desks, a green chalk blackboard at the front, windows covering the right wall and a long tail piano at the back. Most of the students were chatting in small groups, scattered around the room. Adeline among them.

I scanned the rows, almost all seats were taken, but I was able to find one at the back, next to the window. I placed my stuff on top of the desk and took a seat. I was tired after running around school like that. Adeline approached me with a smile on her face "Morning Liz" She said like nothing happened.

"Adeline....WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!"

"I tried, I swear!! But after four attempts I gave up and left... You're such a heavy sleeper..."

"Well, thanks for trying.."I said with a shrug. There was nothing she could have done then.

"No problem," She said as she sat in front of me.

"Oh! you won't believe what just happened to me a while ago..."I told Adeline the story of my encounter with the Colin look alike in the hallway.

"That's pretty strange, are you sure he looked like him? you might have hallucinated or something".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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