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When I wake up, I see him. He smiles at me. Tears drip from his eyes and land on my cheek. He wipes it away with his sleeve and puts his arm down. I bring it close to me and put it around my waist. He smiles again. He's so cute when he smiles. I start to smile. So, he comes close and kisses my lips. Then, my forehead is kissed and I snuggle closer. He puts my hand in his and starts to talk.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look pretty when you sleep," he says.
"Oh Colin," I reply.

He didn't freak out again. Strange. I like this. I like him. This time when our lips touch it leaves a spark. Weird. He pulls away at the slightest chance that he could hurt me. I inch closer and the the trio comes in. They go by my side as I stand up and we watch him. We blink twice and he isn't there anymore. We look all around and see the computer there. He's gone. He left me. I start to cry. Then I hear a noise. It's the computer.

"I guess I'm back to my original form," he says.
"I guess you are," I reply as tears drip down my eyes.
"I love you," he says .
"I love you too," I say back.
"Goodbye my friends and my girlfriend," he says
"When will you be back," I shout.
"Soon," he says as the computer turns black and he's gone for good.

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