Gimel 三の弾 (ギメル) 

140 4 2

Ayatos eyes opened wide in fear as there was a flash of black and purple light and what followed was something he never wanted to appear.....her it was her standing right in the crater that she had made she was wearing what looked like her spirit armour a amazing red dress with black markings and matching hair piece and sleeves {What the photo is, is Kurumis spirit armour}..she did this the spatialquake had made that?!. Ayato fell to the ground but as he was about to call for help she appeared in front of him, "Hello Ayato-Kun pleasure to finally be alone with you". Kurumi grabbed his hand and they appeared on the school roof, "Hmhm isn't it beautiful?". Kurumi asked as Ayato noticed the red and black barrier around the school, "What have you done?!" Ayato said standing to his feet as Kurumi laughed evilly, "You see my dear Ayato anyone in the building will be mine to devour and enjoy" she said and traced her lips and sighed deeply, "I can't wait to feel there power you don't understand how amazing it feels Ayato". Ayato gritted his teeth "Then why am I not dead?" Kurumi looked at Ayato and laughed as her spirit armour glew, "Well you must be magic then".

//When the spatialquake hit//
What Ayato didn't realize that when the force and power of Kurumi hit him his blood and D.N.A started to change, and his eyes began to change color now an emerald green color, as his hair got strips of white appeared in them...what was he?

//Present time//
Ayato growled and clutched his fists, "I am not a monster like you Kurumi!!!" All Kurumi could do was laugh till she went to touch Ayato's face, till the spatialquake alarm went off once more and she looked up letting go of Ayato, "What is this?" Another spatialquake was forming and it was big. It exploded and Ayato fell to the ground as Kurumi stood and watched there in front of them was the first ever spirit feared by people and had returned.....

{HAHA Cliffhanger! I am so mean well hope you enjoy and 6 votes woah thank you!}

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