Dalet 四の弾(ダレット)

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{The video will show how her powers work}

Kurumi looked at her and laughed, "Well look who finally decided to come back", Kotori didn't have a choice to leave when she was the first spirit feared by people, "Why don't you keep your mouth shut" Kotori said and noticed Ayato and smiled, "Hi Ayato". Ayato face palmed and groaned "How does all the spirits know my name?!" He said backing away a little, Kurumi laughed and smirked "How about you and engage in a little bit of spirited competition!" Kurumi threw her arm up, "
Zafekil 刻々帝 !!!" Her angel appeared and she grinned. Kotori growled and smirked " Camael 灼爛殲鬼 !" Her angel appeared and she pointed her axe at Kurumi who laughed,
"Dalet 四の弾ダレット" Blood flowed into Kurumis gun and she smirked pointing it at Kotori and she pulled the trigger the blood followed and made Kotori frozen in time.

//Kotori P.O.V//
All I wanted to do is protect Ayato thats the only reason I came here not to fight one of the deadliest spirits known, As I was frozen my mind went blank and I pretty much blanked out.

//Normal P.O.V//
Kurumi laughed and appeared in front of Kotori pointing the gun at her head, "Or well bye bye Flame Girl" she said pulling the trigger and Kotori fell to the ground, Kurumi laughed "A plan damp shot to the head that will sure dampen your spirit aye?" She said turning to Ayato as his eyes wide in fear, "Narrating always gets the bad guy in trouble" Kotoris body healed with Blue Flames and she stood up, "Are you surprised?" Kurumi growled "Shut up". Kurumi growled and pointed her gun at 5 "Dalet 四の弾ダレット" the blood flowed into it and she pulled the trigger at Kotori....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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