Chapter 8: It begins

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Chapter 8

The next few days were hectic. Opening night was just two short weeks away and the play was such a mess. If this play didn’t get a good review, all creditability to Leah’s name would be flushed down the drain. This was going to be the second production she starred it. It had to be better than the first. She wasn’t going to let amateurs ruin that.

To make things worse she and Zayn hadn’t really got to talk after the whole Starbucks thing. Sure they speak a little at rehearsals but with all the stress and all the things that needed to be done they haven’t really gotten to hang out. They said hi and bye and had short little conversations. Leah sort of missed being with Zayn but she knew it was for the best, especially after she got that call.


“How have you been, Leah?”

“Fine,” she mumbled

“I see the singing thing is still working out for you. You’ve even got a little boyfriend in the play.”

“He’s not my boyfriend! And how is that any of your business?”

“Babe, you don’t understand. All of it’s my business and you’ll be a good girl and stop talking to him.”

“And what if I say no.” Anger was boiling inside of her. No one had the right to tell her who she can and can’t talk to.

“Let’s just say neither you nor your British friend will ever be able to show your face in this country again.” Then the line went dead.

*Flashback Over*

Leah was sitting on her rehearsal chair, sipping her special coffee. Jim was working on a scene with Zayn and his friends. She finally learned the rest of their names. The tall, flirty guy with amazing curly locks was Harry. Niall was the tiny, Irish cutie that had a huge laugh. The sweet, sensibly one was Liam. And Louis, well you really couldn’t find the right words to describe him.

Leah found it completely entertaining watching the boys’ scene. They were practicing dance moves to go with their song but they were so uncoordinated that it looked like a bunch of young men jumping around like spazes. She saw how frustrated the choreographer and Jim was getting, which only amused her more.

“Ugh! You boys are hopeless!” Jim exclaimed. “Leah, come down here. We’ll do yours and Zayn’s number instead.”

Her heart leaped at the mention of Zayn’s name. She quickly scolded herself and made her way down.

“Well hello little Ms. Kusy. You look lovely.” Zayn said in his sexy, heartbreaking accent.

Leah couldn’t help but blush. “I wish I could say the same about you, British boy,” Leah teased.

“Well then! And I’m the Bradford Bad boy, not British boy,” he said.

Leah burst into a giggle fit. “Okay love birds, that’s enough!” Jim snapped.

“We’re not love birds,” Leah said defensively. Why does everyone think they are? It was kind of getting annoying.

“Alright sure. Well anyway, we need to get this scene done so you guys need to act professional for the next hour.”

Is it bad that Leah found the next hour with Zayn beyond magical? Every step, every move was perfect. Their hand fit perfectly like they were made for each other. The way Leah was a whole head shorter than Zayn was so cute. Their spins and dips were on point. And the way Zayn’s hand fit her waist made her go crazy. Right there, right now, she could melt in his eyes. How could something so wrong feel so right?

“BRAVO! BRAVO!” Jim looked like he was in tears after they were done. “You guys definitely have chemistry! It makes me want to rekindle my relationship with my boyfriend. Thank you, so much!” He gave Leah and Zayn a big hug and ran out, leaving confused expressions on their faces.

“Rehearsal is over for the day!” he called over his shoulder.

"Um, did he just- What just happened?!”

“No idea, but at least we have the rest of the day off!” said Zayn.

“That’s true. I guess I’ll just go home and relax with my dog,” said Leah.

“Do you wanna do something with me and the lads instead? Eleanor’s still here and Liam’s and Niall’s girlfriends came into town too so you won’t be the only girl,” said Zayn.

“Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun!”

“Great! We’ll pick you up at 7!” he said. Zayn gave Leah a hug and they parted in separate ways.

“Wait, Leah!” she heard him call.


“I kind of don’t have your number soo..” he said sheepishly.

Leah chuckled at his shyness. She reached into his pocket and took his phone out. “582-555-0678” she said handing him back his phone.

“Great thanks! See ya later!” The goofy smile on his face made her day.

Leah went back over to her chair and collected her all her belongings. She slung her bag over her shoulder and was right about ready to leave. Then, her phone began to vibrate. Thinking it was Zayn, a huge smile went across her face. But when she opened the messaged, it quickly turned into a frown.

U bettr watch out, princess. R u sure u want 2 do tht?”

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