Chapter 11: Leah's Mistake

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Heyyy! Just a quick author's note. Since its finally summer (woooohoooo!!!) i have no excuse for not updating regularly so i made a sceduale to follow. I'll be updating every sunday and wednesday! And if im late, you're allowed to hate me until i update :P. anywayy, here's chapter 11!

Chapter 11

Leah’s POV

It was the end of the night and you better believed that all the boys (except for Zayn and Liam) and Alena were pissed drunk. Each member of the sober group had a different person to be in charge of. Eleanor had Louis. Liam had Harry, who they met up with at the club. Danielle took Niall. And Zayn had Alena. Alena clung to him with her dear life. Leah giggled at the actions of her new girl friend.

“But Zaynnnnnieeeee! I wanna dance! I don’t wannnaa leaveeee!” she slurred.

“You can dance at Niall’s apartment,” he said between his chuckles.

She began to cry. “But Niall’s missinggg! I want my Ni-bearrr. He’s goneeeee!!”

“No, no, no love. He’s right there. See he’s with Dani.

 “Oh no! He’s gonna sleep with Dani tonight!” Her sobs got heavier and she stumbled.

Leah couldn’t help but break out in laughter. Zayn joined in. “What’s so funny?” Alena said when she finally stopped crying.

“Y-You!” Leah exclaimed breathlessly. Her stomach hurt from laughing so much. It seemed like it had been years since she laughed like this.

They decided to bring Niall, Alena and Harry back to Niall’s apartment and Liam and Dani would stay the night to make sure they were okay. Eleanor was going to bring Lou back to his apartment and she would spend the night there. That left Zayn free to bring Leah back to her penthouse.

“Did you have a good time?” Zayn asked as they approached Leah’s door.

“Yeah I actually had a blast! Your friends are so nice and fun to be with. El, Dani, and Alena are hysterical and such sweet girls,” she replied.

“Somehow I knew you guys would get along,” he said with a smirk.

Zayn’s beautiful hazel-brown eyes stared deeply into Leah’s own chocolate brown ones. And this time Leah didn’t look away. Slowly Zayn started leaning forward. Leah panicked. She knew what was going to happen and knew that it couldn’t. ….He would be so mad.

“Well I should be getting instead. We have one of our final rehearsal tomorrow,” Leah said quickly turning her head.

She watched Zayn’s cheeks blush. “Oh right. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He turned around and was about to walk away when leah called out.

“Wait Zayn!”


She shocked him by running up to him and giving him a tight hug. “Thanks for the amazing time today.”

Leah could imagine him smirking right now. He chuckled. “It’s no problem, love. I’g gald you enjoyed yourself.”

Leah let go of Zayn and walked back over to her door. “Bye Zayn. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye Leah.”

Leah quickly stripped out of her dress and slipped on some comfy pajamas. She was exhausted but she had to admit, going out with Zayn was so worth it. She met two beyond perfect friends, Alena and Danielle, and got closer to Eleanor. Leah even felt closer to the boys, especially Zayn. I guess the best way to bond was to get wasted with each other.

But Leah knew she was being selfish. Trust me; she wanted real friends more than anything but they would only get hurt. She knew this couldn’t last forever. Especially after the text messages she had been getting. Only this time, it might be worse. It wasn’t fair! Why did this have to happen to her? Why couldn’t he just leave her alone?! The mistake Leah made over two years ago continues to come back to haunt her.


Leah faked a smile as she walked through the crowd. She was at the cast party for her first musical. It was like 85 degrees outside but she was still wearing a long-sleeve dress. A pound of makeup was her face to hide her imperfect complexion. No one can even discover her bruises. They’ll probably get worse. Leah winced at the thought.

She sat in a chair with a glass of red wine in her hand. Leah knew she wasn’t at all old enough to drink but she needed it to calm her nerves and the older cast members didn’t have a problem giving her just one glass. After all, she was the baby of the cast. Everyone in the show would do anything to protect her. They tended to spoil her as well.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. She flinched at the touch but relaxed when she saw it was only Will. She smiled shyly at him. Will was such a nice boy. He was only a couple years older than Leah. “He would have been such a better boyfriend,” she thought to herself.

“Hey sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Will said.

“Oh no, it’s alright. I just didn’t see you. It’s fine,” she reassured.

When they first met at their first day of rehearsals, they instantly became the best of friends. Since they were two of the only young cast members, it was a no-brainer that they would choose to hang out with each other. Leah was a happy girl with Will. They brought out the best in each other. But when she met….. him, everything changed between she and Will. They saw less and less of each other. He ruined her life but why did it seem like she couldn’t say goodbye.

Will studied her closely. He knows. He can see her pained eyes through her forced smile. “I’ve missed you, Leah. You haven’t been the same,” he says.

“I’m still the same,” Leah replied, refusing to look him in the eyes.

“Please don’t do this. Not to me at least. Not in my apartment. I’m your best friend,” he pleaded.

“If something was wrong I would tell you,” she said with a smile to calm him.

He sighed in frustration but chose not to push on the topic. “How is Mike anyway?”

“I love him.” That was the only way Leah could put it. It wasn’t a lie. If it was, there would be no way in hell she would still be around.

Will decided to change their conversation to a lighter topic. It seemed like just minutes passed but in actuality hours and hours have gone by. They laughed and talked just like old time. The old Leah came out again. Her once bubbly and goofy personality showed once again. More and more people began to leave Will’s apartment but neither of them seemed to noticed. At around 3 am Leah and Will realized they were the only ones left.

“Damn Leah, you party animal. It’s already 3 in the morning,” Will said.

Fear shot through her body. “WHAT?!” she exclaimed. “I have to go, like now. Oh my gosh.”

“Whoa, relax. Your parents aren’t gonna be mad. They know I wouldn’t do anything.”

“It’s not my parents I’m worried about. I told him I would be back by 12. He’s gonna be so mad,” Leah panicked.

“Mike? That’s what you’re so worried about?” Then realization flashed through his face.

 Before Will could even respond the sound of broken glass from a window shook the apartment and the lights fused out. A gun shot and Leah’s scream was the last thing Will ever heard.

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