Chapter 2: Confessions

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Leah’s POV

Leah sprinted down the road of Manhattan with her heels in one hand and her bag in another. She was going to be late. She was never late! Her alarm clock didn’t ring this morning so she overslept. Only 5 more minutes until practiced started!

Leah was just around the corner with 2 minutes to spare when bam, she hit something, hard. Leah fell backward onto the rough ground.

“Oh I’m sorry, love. That was my fault,” a familiar accent said. Leah looked up to see none other than her annoying co-star. Today just wasn’t her day.

“Yeah, it was your fault!” she snapped. “Now we’re both probably late! Good job!”

“Oh it’s no problem at all,” he said with a cheeky grin. Leah gave him an unpleased look and walked past him. She only took about 8 steps before she felt him tap her shoulder.

“Now what do you want?” she said in an irritated tone.

“Well I thought since we’re going to the same place that we can walk together,” he said innocently.


No matter how much of an attitude Leah gave him, the boy would not shut up! Couldn’t he tell that she clearly was not in the mood? He jumped for subject to subject, trying desperately to keep the conversation alive. Finally they reached the theater. That was the longest walk of her life.

“Wait, Leah!” the boy called before she could escape.

“Oh my gosh, what?!”

“Lucky penny, you should keep it. It brings good luck,” He said pointing to the copper coin next to her shoe.

“Oh grow up. You don’t get lucky in life. You have to work for what you want to achieve.” Leah tossed her hair and went toward the door to enter.

“Didn't you see my tweet last night? Who would want to grow up? That’s no fun,” he called out behind her.

Leah was so ready to explode on him. “OH MY GOSH! YOU DON’T KNOW WHEN TO STOP! Can’t you tell that I don’t want to talk to you? Everyone else in the world may be in love with you but I’m not.”

“Why not?” he said in return.


“Why don’t you like me?”

Leah just stared at him for a while with a confused expression on her face. What was she supposed to say? Maybe it wasn’t just fact that he was stealing her fame and not taking her play seriously. Maybe there was something else; something she would never confess.

“Look, we’re already late. Just get out of the way and let me get in.” said Leah.

He hesitated for a while but moved without protest. As Leah walked in, she turned around to take one more glance at him. She saw those beautiful hazel-brown eyes lose the sparkle it usually has. A lump formed in her throat. What has she done?

Zayn’s POV

With his shoulders slumped and his heart filled with sadness, he looked at the cold floor, thinking about what he could of possible done to get Leah to hate him. They barely even knew each other. Zayn wasn’t even sure if she knew his name. The meaner she was to him, the more he wanted to please her. What was wrong with him? Her melodious voice filled the room, trapping yet another victim under her spell. There was no doubt about it, Zayn thought Leah was crazy talented. And she was beautiful and fit and ambitious and powerful.

 “Looks like Zayn has a girlfriend,” someone teased as he felt that person tap his head. It was Niall Horan, one of his four best friends and his band mate.

“What are you talking about, mate?”

“You’ve been staring, lad. We’ve all noticed. And by we, I mean everyone in the whole production.

“Crap!” he thought to himself. Did everyone think he fancied her? Zayn wasn’t even sure about his feelings towards her. Now things were going to get complicated.

“I dunno. She hates me anyway.” Zayn said weakly.

“That’s a load of potatoes! Who could hate you? You’re Zayn freaking Malik!”

Zayn chuckled a little. “Well it’s true. She said it herself.”


“Yeah and when I asked her why, she wouldn’t give me answer.”

“That’s tough. How about after rehearsals you, me, and the rest of the band go to a club to cheer you up?” Niall suggested

On cue, the rest of the band came over, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles.

“I heard cheering up, the band, and clubbing. Fill me in!” said Louis.

“Zayn’s having girl problems. He’s in love and she isn’t even giving him the time of day. We need to get him out and cheer him up!” Niall said.

“I’m not in love! I’m fine, really! I don’t want to go out tonight,” Zayn protested.

“ZAYN DOESN’T WANT TO GO CLUBBING? Yup there is a problem. We need to fix it,” said Harry.

“Oh I have great advice about girls. What do you need? Ask me anything! Are you too shy to talk to her? I have advice for that too!” Liam said.

“Just gets some balls and tell Leah how you feel!” Louis said bluntly.

“How do you know its Leah? It could be anyone. Maybe I like Mary the scenery women or Emily the under-study?” Zayn said defensively.  

“Mate, you make it pretty obvious,” Liam explained.

“And now you kind of confessed that you do actually fancy her,” added Harry.

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did,” they all said together as a crowd.

Zayn sighed. There was no point trying to deny it. His four best friends could see through any lie. They knew him too well.

“Well it would never happen anyway. Like I told Niall, she hates me.”

“No offence, mate, but why do you fancy her? She’s a complete brat,” said Louis.

“Sorry, Zayn, but I have to agree. I watch her. Leah walks around like she’s above everyone. Is that what you want?” Niall also said.

“I know but there’s something about her. And it drives me crazy. I’m stuck on her.”

“Sometimes that heart wants what the brain is does not,” Liam said wisely.

“Don’t worry about it lad. She’s going to fall for you eventually. It’s going to be hard not too when you both are the stars of a romantic play,” Harry explained putting emphasis on romantic.

Then as if it was fate, the director called Zayn to the stage to practice a scene with Leah.

“Okay people, this is the first time we’re practicing the first love scene. Let’s see how it goes. Lights, camera, ACTION!”

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