Forever Hidden

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Tear's P.O.V year 9 11 2001
I looked around i was next of one of the twin towers.
I looked at my hands and it was smaller then nomale... O no... Its 9-11! That means!
I looked beside me to see Zack. I was 7 and he was a 2 years older than me so 9.
O no this is when he died!
The airplane flow to the forst one.
He pulled my arm and took me to the other tower to be safe.
The the second plane flue into it he pulled me out and we got about 9 yards away when a piece of the airplan lands on him.
I pulled it off him and he had a broken leg. I picked him up then he pushed me out of the way of another piece and it hit him.
"Zack! Come on its no safe here!" i cried.
"Go save yourself! I tould you...*coff* i can be a grown up if i whanted..*coff* now here. Keep this and remember that i am always with you.... And don't cry... The more you cry the more people will see your weekness.... You dont want people to use it ageist you do you? *coff*" he smiled and... And ... I ran off holding back my tears that was for him... I looked what he put in my hand and his little neckless haert that opens was there.
I opened it and a pic of our first kiss os in there but drawn.

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