Chapter 3 - Girlfriend

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*Hi guys, don't let the title & picture discourage you - we'll find out who'll be Dom's actual girlfriend soon! Lots of love, Jazzlin xxx*

It was only starting to get dark outside although it was quite late already. Mia carried a box up from the basement where she'd put all Dom's things. Dom was sitting on the couch, watching her closely. "That's a small box," he stated, perhaps a hint of disappointment in his voice. Mia shrugged with a sad look in her eyes. "She didn't have many things here at all. She only came here once, took a trunk-load with her, and left." Mia sat the box down onto the couch table and pushed it towards Dom. "She said she didn't want any of the things she left." - Dom didn't move. "Where did she go after she drove away from here?" - Mia sighed. "I don't know. It seems she's copied that habit from someone else I know," she said with emphasis and glared at her brother. Finally, Dom lifted the box into his lap - it wasn't heavy: no books and stuff like that then - not that Dom had expected to find anything of the kind. She had never really done reading, since unfortunately, books didn't have engines. He opened it and emptied the contents onto the couch table: some CDs and DVDs, an old mobile phone, photographs, and... Dom lifted the silver chain with the cross-pendant and stared at it as if he could melt it with his stare alone. This was it then; this meant it was final: she wasn't going to come back. It was his fault, but it was sad anyways.

When Nelly woke up the next morning, she heard someone rustling in the kitchen already, probably Mia preparing some breakfast. Usually, Nelly was awake earlier, but that was rather because she had happened to start university earlier than Mia on every single day this semester. Although - once having got up - Nelly liked being early and getting things done in the morning. She went to have a shower and got dressed in her working clothes, wrapping her hair into a towel. When she did this, some strands were so long that she could hardly fit them into her towel-turban. Nelly somehow plucked them away and added having her hair cut to the list of semester-holiday jobs. She skipped down the stairs to have some breakfast with Mia, deliberately not looking into the living-room. Yet the door was shut anyway, it seemed Dom was still asleep.

Nelly entered the kitchen quietly so as not to wake him and began: "Good morning Mia, I'll be off soon-..." when realising Mia wasn't in the kitchen at all, but indeed her brother. He was brewing coffee, wearing one of his white tank-tops once again, but it had wet stains all over it: it seemed he'd either had a shower and merely dressed without bothering to dry himself properly, or he'd just been working out big style. Since the smell in the kitchen was a rather pleasant one - coffee mixed with aftershave or something the like of it - Nelly supposed her first guess was right. To be fair, it was really warm already, so she couldn't blame him for saving himself the trouble of using a towel. He looked up at her entrance and flashed that certain grin at her. "I'm afraid Mia's still sleeping," he said before Nelly had found the words to apologise. - "Want a cup of coffee?" - Nelly was painfully aware of her towel-turban, but smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'd love one, thanks." She took two cups from a cupboard and Dom filled one for her and one for himself. He threw a quick glance at the clock that said it was only half past seven. "It's Saturday morning," he stated superfluously. "Where are you headed?" - Nelly shrugged and looked down her rather baggy, dirty outfit. "I'm going to work." - Dom laughed. "Your work place must be a building site by the looks of it." - Nelly chuckled. "Well, it's a farm actually. You're not too far off... although... perhaps you are," she added with a grin. Dom was leaning back in his chair. "Seriously? A farm? Whatcha doing there?" - Nelly shrugged. "Whatever there is to do. Everything but the cows, really. I don't like cows." - "Why not?" - Memories from when she was a child flashed before Nelly's eyes. "My uncle has a farm, back in England. He bred those cows with the really long horns and one day one found out how to break down the fence and attacked the tractor I was driving with my uncle." She screwed up her nose. "The bull just bumped it once, but that was kinda it with me and cows." She laughed. "Anyway, so I'm mucking out the horses and today I'll probably be bringing some hay in as well with the other workers." - He nodded slowly. "You can drive a tractor?" - "Yeah sure, as I said, my uncle has a farm and I've been helping out and doing stuff and things for ages." After that he just wished her a good day and Nelly went to dry her hair and set off just in time - the farm was situated at the outskirts of town and it always took Nelly a while to get there. When she started the engine, the blinds in Mia's room were just being opened and a bed-headed Mia was just in time to wave her good-bye.

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