Chapter 5 - Told You, Part 1

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*Hi guys, while writing this chapter I had "Danza Kuduro" in my mind all the time! Is there anyone else out there to whom this is the ultimative Fast & Furious song?! Lots of love, please comment and vote, Jazzlin xxx*

Nelly was quite sure a race was coming on when one day, Dom was in an especially good mood. At noon he went outside to wash and polish his car and Nelly and Mia watched from the kitchen window while preparing a few sandwiches. Mia threw a loving glance at her brother. "Remind me to bring him some lunch when he's sort of finished or he'll completely forget to eat." - "Races?" - Mia waved a mayonnaise-spoon towards Dom on the outside. "Obviously," she said with a laugh. Nelly nodded slowly, her knife hovering somewhere over her slice of bread, quite forgotten. She didn't quite know yet whether to come along. Probably everyone would see immediately that she didn't know anything about cars and didn't really fit there. But then, the cars turning up there were cool cars with roaring engines, nothing like old VWs. Nelly sighed quietly. "Mia..." - "Yes?" Mia - as if sensing the question was important to Nelly - leant forward to close the window, which had only been ajar. - "The whole racing thing... how illegal is it? - Because I really would love to go, but I... well, I don't really want to get arrested. I know it sounds pathetic, but I want my record to stay clean. I'll have to start working someday and... you know." - Mia smiled, but in an understanding way. "As far as I know you're not breaking any laws as long as you're only watching and not participating in the races - and as long as you're not betting. You see, my record is clean. The police cannot bother to try and lock everyone up who is watching - they're busy enough trying to catch the racers." She put the knife down. "Besides, we will be there with Dom and his people: he would never let anything happen to us: I'm his sister and you're my friend; he'll make sure whatever he does won't rub off on us. He's like a... like a wall. Protective, always there." - Nelly pushed the curtain aside so she would have a better view on Dominic Toretto. "I'm surprised he has enemies at all - you know you mentioned that antagonised biker-gang. It seems a lot more profitable to be on his side than against him." - Mia laughed. "One would think so, yes - but then in the end most people will be backing up those who got the most money - and that will never be Dom because he would never accept people like that into the family; and although he's always provided well for us, he's never been among 'the rich'."

An hour later, Dom was still working on his car and Nelly was taking a sandwich outside Mia had prepared. Dom was polishing his black car with the orange bolts, his tank-top wet from sweat and water. Nelly could just about prevent herself from staring and tried to focus on the car rather than on the man cleaning it. The latter didn't even seem to have realised Nelly was approaching, so she walked down the short path making her steps crunch extra-loudly on the gravel. He looked up; his eyes seemed to rest upon her for a while before he straightened himself up and wiped his greasy hands on his trousers. Nelly was suddenly painfully aware of her shabby shorts and her white, peach-stained vest-top - she'd been wanting to throw it away for ages, but for some she reason kept wearing it at home. Dom thanked Nelly when she handed him the plate. However, he didn't start eating at first, but asked: "Have you ever been to races?" - Nelly shook her head and tried to grin confidently. "Never, actually." - "Thought so." - Nelly's smile faded slightly, she didn't know whether he'd meant to be disdainful, but his remark felt like a sting. Well, she obviously wasn't the car-and-engines-fanatic his girlfriend must be - she couldn't even tell her own car's type - but no need to rub it in. He looked at her again and held her glance for a bit. "'bout time you went to see some." - Nelly felt her good mood return. "Is it worth going, then?" she asked sheepishly. He laughed at that. "That's a way to put it, yes." - "In that case, I think I'll come." - He bit into his sandwich. "You won't regret it." - Nelly grinned and crossed her arms. "What makes you say so?" - Dom smiled, chewing. "You been living with Mia for how long, three months?" - "Yeah." - "You got along well, so I suppose you've been watching our old car movies. And since you've kept watching them I suppose you must like them." He paused - for the effect, as Nelly supposed. "As I said: you won't regret coming to the races."

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