Chapter One

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Chapter One

It's been years since Finch and the gang had gone trick or treating, ever since that alien invasion, they just couldn't find themselves to continue celebrating the 'sacred' holiday. Sure, they still met up during the holiday. But, even now as they all reach adulthood, they all started to drift apart. The joy of hanging out was dwindling for them, but still they continued to meet every year at that same corner street just as the sun begins to set. Why exactly do they all still meet when they know it's pointless? Well because their friend Devil Lad still came around. 

Devil Lad was a strange kid, out of all of them he was the tallest sporting a salmon colored hoodie and tanned cargo shorts. On his face he wore the same mask, a bright red Devil's mask with glowing, beady yellow eyes and long white teeth at the end. Short red horns stuck out of the mask forehead while long pointed ears stuck out of the side. No one has ever seen him around town after Halloween or even seen his face for that matter. Indeed it aroused suspicion in the group when the teen kept coming each year, even though he never got anything out of it.

"You think he'll come this year?" A boy with messy brown hair and freckled covered cheeks asked, his hands dug in his blue jean shorts that stopped just at his knees. He wore a baggy green shirt with a dark green strip running across it, he's green eyes looked up from the concrete ground and towards the other two boys that stood beside him. His name among the group was Pig Pig, a name he earned as a child when he used to run around wearing a paper mache pigs head. He was scrawny and very slow sometimes that he got pushed around the most in the group.

"He's comes every year, why wouldn't he come this year?" A tall lanky boy said, wearing a battered orange costume with black strips and the zipper all the way up. It was ripped and torn at the edges of the sleeves and pants legs, a mangled and rip cat tail was limp in the back. The hood that had the two cat ears was down showing a mess of blonde hair. His blue eyes stared forward as he removed the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it away somewhere. He's name was Spencer, but the group usually called him Mr. Kitty because of his costume.

He was a pervert, always trying to sneak a peek at the older girls that would run around in their skimpy outfits that they deemed 'costumes'. There were many of times were he would ditch his friends if it meant he could get a little bit of action through the night. "Why do you think he still comes around, Finch?" Pig Pig asked, tilting his head as he looked to the boy in between him and Spencer. Finch hummed boredly, his golden eyes staring up a head at the sun that was slowly beginning to set over the horizon. His blood red hair was spiked in an upwards position as strands of it fell limply in his face. 

He wore a simple gray T-shirt and blue jean shorts as well; a red scarf was wrapped around his neck. He flickered his tired eyes over to his friend who stood there waiting for an answer. "The bowels of Hell" he said lowly, recounting a similar conversation he and Mr. Kitty have had when they were children. It was right before they were apple jacked by Old Lady Melcher, the poor hagged ended up croaking that same night of a heart attack after being convicted of murder and for "giving" away apples with razor blades in them. He laughed a little at the memory.

"I'm being serious here, where do you think he's from?!" Pig Pig exclaimed, frowning at his friend. "I mean we never see him around town and we don't even know his name, don't you guys find that a little odd?!" He asked.

"We've been discussing this for years now and its obvious he won't tell us anything, so leave it be Pig Boy" Spencer hissed in annoyance of the younger's voice. "You're giving me a damn headache with that annoying voice of yours" he mumbled. It fell silent after that comment, as the three continued to stand there and watch as the sun was slowly setting and painting the sky in an orange-red glow. "Where's your sister? Thought she was still able to trick or treat?" Spencer asked after a while causing Finch to look at him before looking forward once again.

"Don't know, don't care" Finch mumbled, his little sister Moochie was only seven years younger than him. She had eventually chopped away all her long hair she had grown out to the floor during that alien invasion a few Halloweens back. It was now a choppy uneven mess that she had done herself, her crazed blue eyes were always searching for something new to do each year and this year was no different. Because when Finch had came clobbering down the stairs, instead of finding her in th kitchen playing the role of whatever she was going to be this year the house was empty. It was the first time that he had only found the rotting corpses of his parents left seated at the kitchen table, not being disturbed by the young blonde. 

The smell the bodies gave off didn't bother Finch that much seeing as they had been there for years and were just skeletons with dried up gray skin and missing teeth. Soon the sun had finally set over the horizon and bathed the street in darkness as the street lights flickered on and the sound of doors opening and closing filled the air. Children ran down the stairs of their porches and out onto the sidewalk and street, dressed up as ghouls and princesses. Spencer narrowed his eyes as he looked at the group of children that ran by laughing with their empty bags flapping around behind them, waiting to be filled with candy. The three boys did not move an inch as they continued to stand there and wait.

After a while they heard it, the sound of calm footsteps walking up to them from behind. Out of all the hurried small footsteps of children's feet pounding against the asphalt and dried leaves, those pair of footsteps stood out the most. Turning around they were faced with the same red mask that they had all become so acquainted with over the years. Devil Lad raised a hand when he saw them staring, signaling a simple hello as he stopped before them. He had grown taller over the years, but his attire and personality never changed, neither did that mysterious smell of sulfur he always carried with him. 

"Hey guys" he said, his voice smooth as he spoke. 

"About time you got here, you're so slow" Spencer groaned, as Finch nodded his head.  

I Luv Halloween Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora